Meeting location: Town offices
Date: December 6, 2018
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Jonathan Miner, Kathleen Scott
Meeting opened: 7:00 pm; Meeting continued at 8:50 pm to December 7 at 10:00am. Meeting adjourned at 12:50 pm.
Members of the public: Erin Hammerstedt, Harry Wolhandler
Documents signed or reviewed:
SB signed SB Meeting Minutes of November 29, 2018. Jon Miner requested that an additional Highway Department item, not included in last week’s minutes, be noted. SB had discussed that the Highway Department was granted a verbal contract to purchase sand from the O’Neil gravel pit to prepare the town’s sand needs for the winter. SB also conveyed to the Road Agent that town employees should use the safest route for them and for town equipment given the condition of the roads.
Regarding questions by abutters about town trucks using Jaquith Road to access the O’Neil Excavation site, SB noted that the town has a contract with Mr. O’Neil for the purchase of sand. They further noted that, under RSA 155(e), the town is exempt from regulations that private operators must abide by. SB added that the vehicles are town trucks hauling town sand to maintain town roads and that, for safety reasons, the highway department should continue to use the Jaquith Road entrance until all the loading is complete.
Departments, Boards and Committees:
Code Enforcement Officer – SB acknowledged receipt of proposed draft budget for 2019. Separately, SB is considering updating the building permit application to require the posting of a bond if projects involve staging of equipment on roads.
Conservation Commission – Kathy Scott noted that the HCC will be submitting a proposed budget flat to 2018. She also updated SB on Mr. Sims’s continued concerns about addressing stormwater management in ordinance revisions, which the Ordinance Revision Committee has on its radar for next year. Finally, Ms. Scott noted that the HCC will propose a Warrant Article regarding the Conservation Fund for 2019 Town Meeting.
Fire Department – SB acknowledged receipt of 2019 proposed budget.
Planning Board – SB acknowledged receipt of Meeting Minutes for November 27 Public Hearing and Notice of Public Hearing for December 12.
Police Department – SB acknowledged receipt of 2019 proposed budget.
Recycling Center – SB acknowledged receipt of 2019 proposed budget.
School Board – SB acknowledged receipt of notice of special meeting for December 6 and December 19.
Supervisors of the Checklist – SB acknowledged receipt of 2019 proposed budget.
Zoning Board – SB acknowledged receipt of the meeting minutes for November 28.
Other Business:
Erin Hammerstedt, Executive Director of Historic Harrisville, met with the Select Board to inform them that Hydroelectric Power is up and running at the mill. To share the noteworthy accomplishment, HHI is hosting an open house next Saturday, December 15, from 9-12. The entrance is from the mill’s lower lot. Ms. Hammerstedt also informed the SB that HHI is updating its emergency action plan for dam safety. She will reach out to the Emergency Management Director and the Police and Fire Chiefs to coordinate.
Harry Wolhandler attended as a resident to request that culvert repair, or an additional culvert be installed, near the Silver Road / Tuttle Lane intersection as runoff and water flow have caused buildup on Tuttle Lane. SB noted any work would have to wait given frozen ground and will discuss further with the Road Agent.
Regarding the issue of the brown cabinet in the hallway, SB moved that it remain in its current location. All voted in favor.
SB acknowledged receipt of the following: Consolidated Communications notice of legal entity name change; Proposal from ACD regarding Solar Farm Profit Sharing which the SB has decided not to pursue; Health Trust November Bulleting; and Veterans Administration Pamphlet regarding health services for veterans.
Upcoming Meetings:
December 13 – Library Trustees will meet with SB at 7:00 pm to discuss 2019 budget.
December 20 – Senator Jay Kahn will meet with SB at 7:00 pm.
December 25 – Christmas Day
At 10:10 am on December 7, 2018 at the town offices, the Select Board continued its meeting from December 6 for an extensive discussion regarding the job description for the Administrative Assistant to the Select Board.
Meeting adjourned at 12:50 pm.