About Code Enforcement and the Building Permit Process

Please note that building permits are required for any construction or alteration of any structure (Town Zoning Ordinances Article 4.1.5.)

Building permit applications  can be dropped off at Town Hall, 705 Chesham Road, or sent via email to townhall@harrisvillenh.org.  The fee is $50 minimum or $.20 per square foot of new construction. Copies of construction plans and any site plans must be provided for further review and approval.

The Building Inspector receives applications, reviews construction documents and issues permits for the erection, alteration, demolition and moving of buildings and structures, inspects the premises for which such permits have been issued, and enforces compliance with the provisions of the town building code.  This official works under the Select Board and as authorized under state statute to issue .building permits and certificates of occupancy, and to perform inspections as may be necessary to assure compliance with the building code.  The Town’s building code follows state building code relative to safety, health, fire and other conditions.

The town’s zoning regulations can be found in Harrisville Zoning Ordinances 2024

The land use and building permit fee schedule effective 2023 – Land Use Application and Building Permit Fee Schedule

Click here to see the Select Board’s  Ordinance Relative to Code Enforcement, adopted in 2011.

Driveway Permits – Applications for driveway permits  must be submitted to the Town’s Road Agent.

Work in town Historic Districts – Portions of the village of Harrisville are subject to regulation in what is effectively an overlay Zoning District, through the Town body known as the Historic District Commission.  The HDC is a town body and independent of the private historic preservation organization known as Historic Harrisville, which controls the development of certain historic district properties through outright ownership or controlling deed covenants.

Health Officer Updates
A Message from the Health Officer – Tick and Mosquito season continues. Please read the NHDHHS Prevention Guidelines for Tick and Mosquito Diseases 2023

Tips for beating the heat: If you don’t have AC, keep doors and windows closed to lower indoor temperature; Stay hydrated; Avoid vigorous outdoor activity; Seek shelter with AC if getting uncomfortable; Call 911 if experiencing heat stroke symptoms.  Feel free to call the Town Offices with any questions. 827-3431 (ext 1)

Building Inspector

Mike Wilder
Tel: 603-827-3019

Health Officer

David Belknap, Health Officer
Tel: 603-313-3922
Mike Wilder, Deputy Health Officer

Related Forms & Documents

Summary of Building Codes

Download Document

Building Permit Application

2023 Building Permit Application

Driveway Permit Application

Download Document

Policy on Issuance of Building Permits on Class VI and Private Roads (2015)

2015_12_15_11_34_37 Issuance of Building Permits on Class VI and Private Roads November 5 2015