Notice is hereby given that the Harrisville Planning Board will hold its regular monthly meeting at the town office building located on Chesham Road commencing at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, September 10, 2014. Agenda: Attendance [...]

2014-09-09T15:53:19-04:00September 9th, 2014|

Well Testing Recommendations

NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES RECOMMENDS THAT ALL PRIVATE WELLS BE TESTED Private wells in New Hampshire are not regulated as water supplies, and are often not tested for health-related contaminants such as arsenic, [...]

2020-09-08T11:08:31-04:00June 5th, 2014|

From Your Selectboard – March 2014

Town meeting is behind us.  Phew!  Harrisville residents were likely pleased, as the school tax rate was down, and the town's operating budget was nearly flat.   Our taxes should remain stable for yet another year. [...]

2020-09-08T11:08:31-04:00March 24th, 2014|

Selectboard Meeting Minutes

The Office of the Town Clerk is the legal repository of minutes of Town Boards and Committees.  These records are recent minutes provided as a public convenience, and may not include all available documents. Meeting minutes are available [...]

2020-09-08T11:08:31-04:00September 6th, 2013|

Zoning Board Minutes

The Office of the Town Clerk is the legal repository of minutes of Town Boards and Committees.  These records are recent minutes provided as a public convenience, and may not include all available documents. Meeting minutes are available [...]

2020-09-08T11:08:31-04:00September 6th, 2013|
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