Historic District Commission
Town of Harrisville
705 Chesham Road
Harrisville, NH 03450

Public Notice

You are hereby notified that the Harrisville Historic District Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 7:00 pm to consider the following:

HDC #2024-5, Town of Harrisville, 7 Canal Street (Map 32 – Lot 23-1), continued application to install a mini split with exterior compressor; and

HDC #2024-6, Erin Hammerstedt, 15 Main Street (Map 61 – Lot 3), applying to install gutters with downspouts on east and west sides of house, to re-grade for improved drainage, to add retaining wall and to modify west facing door stairs.

The board may take up any other business that may legally come before it.

Posted by: Rex Baker, Chair
Date:  November 15, 2024