Select Board
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Meeting Minutes

Select Board: Andrew Maneval, Andrea Hodson, Kathy Scott
Attendees: Harry Wolhandler

The SB opened the meeting at 10:50 am.

Recycle Center update – Kathy Scott raised the matter of the opening of the “dumptique”/swap shop at the Recycle Center, noting the Recycle Center Committee’s concern this may be premature. The SB will discuss with RC personnel and will invite Ben Hoy to an upcoming meeting.

Conservation Commission – Andrew Maneval updated colleagues on the draft retainer agreement w/Dr. McDonald for the Laricobious Beetle/Hemlock Forest project. The Conservation Commission Chair will distribute the revised draft contract for review, including input recommended by Andrea Hodson. The HCC has also reviewed a map of potential places to release the beetles, based on ideal conditions of height of trees, sun exposure and density of hemlock groves and pending discussions with property owners. The anticipated release date is November/December. Volunteers from the HCC and potentially the Trails Group will assist, with guidance from the NH state forest expert and Dr. McDonald.

Fire Chief – The SB discussed with the Fire Chief signage and a potential mailing to property owners urging use of reflective address signs for clearer identification for emergency services professionals.  The Fire Chief will get back to the SB with draft materials.

Code Enforcement – The board discussed the ongoing code violation at Map 40-Lot 21. Mr. Wilder will draft a follow-up letter outlining requirements for compliance. Mr. Maneval will reach out to town counsel regarding fines and consequences of violation and lack of action from the property owner.

DES – The board acknowledged receipt of correspondence from DES regarding compliance and annual reporting requirements for the Town’s closed landfill. The SB will reach out to Wilcox & Barton for a quote to conduct required inspections and submit reports, as ancillary services to the already conducted Groundwater Management Permit inspection and reporting requirements.

Bob Sturgis Memorial Wildflower Garden – The board acknowledged the request from Esther Solondz for SB assistance in filing for a reimbursement from the state for mowing damage to the wildflower garden at the Brown and Chesham Road triangle.  The SB will await follow-up from Ms. Solondz on the state’s recommended process for applying, and stands prepared to support the garden volunteer.

Finance – The SB signed the pay warrant in the amount of $38,531.34 and the payroll warrant in the amount of $29,535.31.

Assessing – The SB signed the Summary Inventory of Valuation (MS -1) for submission to the DRA; the SB signed the Timber Tax Levy in the amount of $40.81 for Map 51– Lot 36.

Brush Truck – The SB moved and voted in favor to accept the sealed bid of $1500 for the replaced Fire Department Brush Truck chassis. Following purchase, the SB will transfer the title.

At 11:50 am, the meeting adjourned. The SB remained at Town Hall for the State Primary.