Select Board
Thursday, August 15, 2022
Meeting Minutes

Select Board: Andrew Maneval, Andrea Hodson, Kathy Scott
Attendees: Don Scott, Ryan Stone, and Courtney Cox

The meeting opened at 7:00 pm.

Agenda, minutes of 8-8 – With agreement to add a Fire Department item under other business, the board approved the agenda as amended. The board then approved the meeting minutes of August 8.

Fire Department – The SB will ask the Road Agent and RC Manager if either department is interested in a used Bobcat for sale by David O’Neil.  Separately, Andrew Maneval shared a draft notice to sell the Fire Dept’s used brush truck chassis, with the right of first refusal to town employees, board and committee members/volunteers, and elected officials. If no interest is indicated, the SB will offer it on the open market.

Planning Board – The SB considered the Planning Board’s request that the SB rescind its vote to shift primary reporting of the Transportation Committee to the SB, with communication to the PB as projects necessarily dictate. The PB further requested that all 3 bodies convene to discuss the matter.  Following brief discussion, Mr. Maneval moved that the SB invite the Transportation Committee and the Planning Board to next week’s SB meeting at 8pm to reconsider together the decision the SB made regarding the reporting of the Transportation Committee. Andrea Hodson seconded. All voted in favor. The SB will ask the PB to set forth its rationale for taking the position it did when it voted against the Transportation Committee’s request to shift reporting primarily to the SB.

Community Conversation – Mr. Maneval noted that, following the Conservation Commission’s Community Conversation on Knotweed Removal and the Laricobious Beetle/Hemlock Forest protection projects, the HCC will meet Friday, 8/16 to discuss the possibility of a fee arrangement with Dr. McDonald for his expertise and for providing the beetles necessary for the program.  Andrea Hodson recommended that the HCC outline the scope of services and set forth a project implementation plan.

Correspondence and other business
-With the St. Denis rehabilitation project in the works, Mr. Maneval will speak to the ZBA Chair about what zoning review will be required for a community center/government use for the structure.  Site Plan Review by the Planning Board may also be required.

Fire Dept – Mr. Maneval was asked by the Fire Dept to bring to the SB ‘s attention the need for reflective numbering on residents/property owners’ homes. The FD requests that the SB require this, so emergency services personnel can easily locate homes when responding to medical and fire calls. The SB will consider further.

Road signs – The board will follow up with the Road Agent on ordering replacement street signs.

Parking violation appeal – The SB acknowledged receipt of an appeal letter for a Sunset Beach parking violation, but agreed the fine was fair based on the town’s enforcement policy. The board will respond in writing.

The SB signed the MS-535 (Report of the Budget) for submission to the DRA.

SB Draft Agenda for Thurs 8/22: The SB will meet with the Executive Director of Southwest Region Planning Commission (SWRPC) at 7 pm to discuss housing, transportation issues, voluntarism, regional approaches to emergency services and other challenges for small towns, and will hear from SWRPC on their initiatives and programs. Following this, the SB will meet with the Planning Board and Transportation Committees.

SB Calendar con’t – The State Primary is Tues, 9/10, from 8 am-7 pm with voting at Town Hall.  The SB will also meet Thurs 9/12, Thurs 9/19 and Fri 9/27 at 9 am with department heads. October SB meetings are scheduled for Thurs 10/3, 10/10, 10/17 and Fri 10/25.

The meeting adjourned at 8:38 pm.