Select Board
Thursday, March 7, 2024
Meeting Minutes

Select Board: Andrew Maneval, Andrea Hodson, Kathy Scott

Agenda, minutes of 2/29 – The board approved the agenda and the minutes of Feb 29.

Northern Border Regional Grant Opportunity – The board shared perspectives on the application timeline and projects, thinking fall is more realistic for focusing on either the old fire station on Harrisville Pond or the old highway garage on Skatutakee Road. All agreed that establishing a committee to make recommendations is a good idea, and that the pre-application process will give the Town a sense of likelihood of eligibility for receiving funds.

Energy Committee update – On March 21, the Energy Committee will discuss with the SB the pros and cons of net metering through Eversource or Community Power for the town’s solar arrays and make its recommendation.  Separately, on the Dept of Energy Block Grant, Andrea Hodson noted $66K will be allocated to Harrisville for funding direct incentive projects for eligible property owners who are interested in steps to electrify their homes (e.g., to replace oil or propane units, stoves, hot water heaters). Technical support will be provided by BlocPower for project management and a “Fellow”, based in Peterborough, will support outreach in Harrisville. The program will launch ahead of available Federal funding, which is not expected until later this year.

Transfer Station/Recycling – The board considered feedback from Dublin about pay rates, tipping receipts, and plans for Dublin’s transfer station in light of context of Harrisville’s pending Town Meeting vote on whether to expand recycling operations.  Ms. Hodson recommended $12K vs. $10K for the payroll assistant.  She also noted Dublin maintains a Recycling Special Fund which Harrisville could consider if Article 3 passes.

2022 Audit of Financial Statements – Vachon Clukay confirmed they found no deficiencies and nothing serious with town’s bookkeeping and financial practices.  Andrew Maneval will report back on whether pending litigation needs to be part of the audit report.

Correspondence and other business:
– The board signed the pay warrant in the amount of $24,112.61.
-The board signed the current use application for Map 71 – Lot 15.

SB Meeting Schedule – The next meeting is Tues 3/12 at Wells Memorial School for Town Meeting. Polls open at 11:00 am and close at 7:00 pm. Deliberative session on the Warrant follows.

The meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.