Select Board Meeting
Thursday, February 29, 2024
Meeting Minutes

Select Board: Andrew Maneval, Andrea Hodson, and Kathy Scott
Attendees:    Les LaMois

The meeting opened at 7:00 pm.

Agenda, minutes 2-22 – With the addition of review of Recycle Center budget comparison numbers, and of the pay warrant, the Board approved the agenda. On the Feb. 22 meeting minutes, the board noted that the Code Enforcement Officer had agreed with the assessment that no hazardous waste was being dumped. The board otherwise approved the minutes.

Audit report/Vachon Clukay – The board discussed the draft financial statements for the 2022 audit. They await the letter from Matt Murray for signature by the board.  Andrea Hodson will follow up, and invite the auditor to attend the SB meeting on Fri 3/29 to discuss the 2022 report and preparation for the 2023 audit.

Housing Conference – The SB discussed and agreed with sending an interested volunteer to the Homeownership Conference in Concord on March 26, sponsored by New Hampshire Housing.  Mr. Maneval will discuss the idea with the Planning Board at their next meeting, and also discuss with the prospective attendee, Paul Clark.

Grant opportunities (Northern Border and Moose Plate) – Following review of the categories for which the town could be eligible for grant money, the board agreed that Growing Outdoor Recreation was the most likely. For its next meeting, the SB will consider and bring project ideas and discuss the likelihood for meeting the pre-application deadline of March 22. On a Moose Plate grant, the board recalled interest by Aldworth Manor in applying for a grant to repair the stone columns at the intersection of Chesham and Aldworth Manor Roads but awaits further information about the town’s role, if any, for such an application.

Recycle Center – The board reviewed comparison numbers for scenarios to be determined by the vote on Warrant Article 3 at Town Meeting. The proposed 2024 Operating Budget assumes a ‘yes’ vote to expand recycling operations.  Should the warrant article fail, an amendment to the operating budget will be proposed.

Correspondence and other business
– The SB approved the pay warrant in the amount of $10,574.26.

– Energy & Electric Aggregation Committee – Andrea Hodson noted the transformer update was completed by Eversource and ReVision will now complete the group net metering application. Monthly checks will come to town for overage into the grid for the Highway Barn and Town Hall arrays.

-Regarding correspondence from Mr. Braun on the status of work on Eastside Road, Kathy Scott will confirm with the Road Agent.

– SB March meeting calendar— The board will meet Thurs 3/7 at 7 pm, Tues 3/12 all day/evening at Wells Memorial School for Town Meeting, Thur 3/21 at 7 pm, and Fri 3/29 at 9 am.

-The SB’s draft agenda for 3/7 will include discussion regarding approach to Northern Border grant program, Energy Committee update, and logistics for Town Meeting

The meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.