Select Board
Friday, February 2, 2024
Meeting Minutes
Select Board: Andrew Maneval, Andrea Hodson, Kathy Scott
The meeting opened at 9:00 am.
Agenda, minutes of 1/26 – With the addition of a the pay warrant and a report on town counsel feedback on the draft warrant articles, the board approved the agenda. The board moved and voted in favor to approve the minutes of Jan 26 as written.
2024 RFP for Road Paving – The SB noted that of the posted and distributed invitation to bid on the 2024 road paving projects, one response was received. Following review and discussion of the proposal, the board moved and voted in favor to accept and to award the bid to All States Construction for paving for the Village Road Project. The proposal is to pave Church and School Streets at the following costs: Church Street – $60,000 (400 tons of material @$150/ ton); School Street – $21,000 (140 tons @$150/ton); and Church Alley $18K (120 tons @$150/ton). Kathy Scott will work to schedule a Road Work Committee meeting for Tuesday, 2/6 at 8:00 am at the Highway Barn, to incorporate the bid numbers into the overall project costs for presentation at the second budget hearing and subsequently at Town Meeting.
Code Enforcement – Mike Wilder reported on his follow up with property owners, noting he will draft a certified letter for one whom he couldn’t reach by phone. For a second matter, he suggests the SB and Road Agent meet with the property owner to discuss right of way along the road. The SB agreed.
Budget updates – In continuing attempts to finalize the proposed 2024 budget, the board discussed and agreed to reduce the proposed allocation for the Gravel Pit Capital Reserve Fund to $2K from $5K and will discuss this with the Road Agent. For beach signage, the SB will add $1K to the beach equipment budget line but will attempt to reduce this cost through volunteer efforts.
Draft Warrant – The SB continued review of the draft warrant articles, discussing initial feedback from town counsel on the article proposing discontinuance of Church Alley as a town road. The board also discussed and revised the article on the first phase of replacement of the South Road Bridge, which will request town commitment to the whole project, not just the first phase, which is the update of the engineering design. Andrea Hodson will have additional information on budget requirements and impact following her meeting with the DOT Mon. 2/5.
The board noted the final proposed 2024 Operating Budget and Warrant will be posted by Tues. 2/26.
Other business – The SB signed the pay warrant in the amount of $24,764.79; the SB draft agenda for Thurs 2/8 includes the Budget Hearing, finalization of the Warrant and confirmation of Town Meeting date and polling hours.
The meeting adjourned at 10:43 am.