Select Board
Thursday, January 11, 2024
Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Andrew Maneval, Kathy Scott and Andrea Hodson
Attendees: Les LaMois, Don Scott
Agenda – With the addition of a discussion with the health and code enforcement officers, an update on the community conversation on recycling and legal updates, the board approved the agenda as amended.
Minutes of 1-4-2024 – Mr. Maneval corrected the date of correspondence from Mr. Cucchi as January 3, not January 4. The board approved the minutes as amended.
Code Enforcement – Following discussion, the board moved to approve the action plan related to a letter to a property owner regarding a permitting violation for a sewage disposal system.
-Separately, Mike Wilder will report back to the board following discussion with the property owner on the issue of a stone wall constructed within the town right of way.
-On a third code enforcement matter, the SB will contact a property owner relative to applying to the ZBA for permission of two businesses occurring at a location and on the issue of required occupancy within the structure housing the businesses.
-The SB will contact a property owner requesting notification to the SB by a specified date, as well as notification to the ZBA, for property improvement plans.
Village Road project update – The project costs are still being finalized but the estimate to repair two roads, Church and School Streets, is $220,000.
2024 Draft Budget and Warrant – The SB continued review of the budget and considered the first draft of the warrant articles under consideration for March Town Meeting.
Tax Collector – The board agreed it will issue an offer this week to the job candidate. The Tax Collector’s Office is closed for vacation until Jan 25. Further staffing discussions will occur at the end of January.
Correspondence – The board noted Mr. Maneval will draft the response to Mr. Cucchi’s letters of 1/3/2024 and 11/2023. The board agreed to elaborate on the SB minutes referred to in Mr. Cucchi’s letter, and thereby to clarify further the discussion that took place at that time. To elaborate, the board noted that the concerns Mr. Scott raised before the SB were two-fold: The first concern was a statement by the ZBA Chair based on the chair’s reading of Article V of the Harrisville Zoning Ordinances related to non-conforming uses, lots and structures; the second concern was the ZBA chair’s omitting a full reading of an abutter letter of support at the public hearing at which Mr. Scott was presenting his client’s proposal. The letter of support was shared with all ZBA members prior to the public hearing and was acknowledged as having been received.
At 9:03 per NH RSA 91-A:3II(e), the board voted unanimously in favor to enter non-public session to discuss pending litigation and course of action. At 9:11 pm, the board moved and voted in favor to exit nonpublic session and subsequently voted unanimously to seal the minutes.
Other business
– The SB signed the W.B. Mason Renewal Agreement for 2024 in the amount of $440.00 for the town hall copier / scanner.
-The SB agenda for 1-18-2024 will include the Budget Hearing, the ordering of warrant articles and other business as needed.
The meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.