Select Board
Friday, December 29, 2023
Meeting Minutes

Select Board: Andrew Maneval, Andrea Hodson, and Kathy Scott
Attendees: Fire Chief Wayne Derosia, and Don Scott

Agenda, minutes – The board approved the agenda and the minutes of 12/21.

Fire Department – The chief confirmed with the Select Board budget information for 2024, including a proposed warrant article for a brush truck, and proposed allocation for the Fire Equipment Capital Reserve Fund in the amount of $100,000.  The board confirmed the 2024 proposed operating budget includes funds for repairs to the station exterior and expressed appreciation to Chief Derosia for his work toward the board’s goal of keeping the budget flat.

Village Road Project – The board reviewed the draft RFP for 2024 Road Paving for the Church and School Street area project, and discussed modifications. Barring additional input from the DOT, the board will aim to issue the RFP on Friday, December 29, with a bidding deadline of January 31.

Finance – The board moved and voted unanimously in favor to approve 3 encumbrances; that is, payment in 2024 for services/products for which quotes/invoices are in hand, but have yet to be executed/provided.  These include payment to the town’s auditor, Vachon Clukay, in the amount of $1,763; payment to Avitar Associates for mapping services in the amount of $3,294, and payment to Computer Haven for IT services in the amount of $3,187.50.

-Separately, the board approved a cost of living adjustment increase for eligible employees of 3.2%, pegged to the Social Security COLA.

– The board signed the pay warrant in the amount of $6,764.84.

Tax Collector – Andrea Hodson noted two rounds of interviews have been conducted. She will proceed with reference checks and then follow up with the candidate.

DOE Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant – An update is pending the next meeting, January 4. The program includes an estimated $3,500 incentive from the grant towards eligible (low-moderate income qualified) property owner electrification projects. An open question concerns whether grant money can be combined with IRA incentives.  Program launch date to be confirmed for first quarter of 2024.

CPCNH (Community Power Coalition of NH) – CPCNH board announced rates effective February-June 2024 for residential and general service customers on the Granite Basic (Harrisville Community Power default) option of 8.1 cents per kW hour. The Eversource rate is 8.285 cents per kWh.

Conflicts of Interest Policy – Andrew Maneval shared a draft Conflict of Interests Policy, prepared by the Advisory Committee on Conflicts of Interest and to be presented for vote at Town Meeting in March.  The draft policy establishes standards of ethical conduct to assist elected and appointed officials of the Town, including members of boards and committees and those not already subject to state statutes and personnel policies.  Mr. Maneval will share feedback from the SB with committee members regarding whether to broaden the policy or define procedures for any issues of a proprietary nature.

SB Meeting Schedule/Agendas – Thurs, 1/4,(any updates on trail repair funding options, budget review); 1/11 (update on road project cost estimates); 1/18 (budget hearing); and 1/26, in addition to all day during the NH Primary Election on Tues 1/23.

February meetings of the SB – The board also scheduled a meeting for Friday, February 2, at 9:00 am due to a schedule conflict the prior evening). The second Budget Hearing will be held Thurs 2/8.

The next Recycle Center Committee meeting is Tues. 1/2 from 5-7 pm at Town Hall.

Other business – The SB signed the 2023 Equalization Certificate for the Assessor to submit to the DRA.

The meeting adjourned at 11:08 am.