Zoning Board of Adjustment
Town of Harrisville
705 Chesham Road
Harrisville, NH 03450

December 20, 2023 Meeting



  1. Sarah M. Tibbetts Trust (Edward Tibbetts), 19 Morse Road (Map 30 – Lot 3), appealing under RSA 676:5 an administrative decision of the Code Enforcement Officer and Select Board to withhold an occupancy permit pending review by the ZBA for compliance with the board’s previously granted special exception to replace a dwelling on the parcel.
  2. Jesse and Regina Dixon, 241 Skatutakee Road (Map 20 – Lot 57) applying for a special exception under Articles 5.3.2. and 5.3.3. to replace and expand an existing non-conforming one-story camp with a two-story dwelling, moving the structure 7 feet further from Skatutakee Lake.
  3. Road Rebuild Committee –request for comment on proposal for road rebuild including addition of proper drainage structures along Church Hill and School Streets; the potential to give up Church Alley: along the HHI property, back to HHI. (Don Scott will present and answer questions).

The board may take up any other business that may legally come before it.

Posted by:  Charles Sorenson, Chair
Date: December 10, 2023