Select Board Meeting
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Meeting Minutes
Select Board – Andrew Maneval, Andrea Hodson, Kathy Scott
Attendees – Rosemary Cifrino, Don Scott, Fred Aldrich of All States Construction, Pam Thayer, Ranae O’Neil, Jon Richardson, Tom McGregor
The meeting opened at 7:00 pm.
Non-public session – Upon opening, at 7:00 pm per RSA 9-A:3II(c), the board moved and voted unanimously in favor to enter non-public session for purposes of discussion with the Welfare Director. The Welfare Director presented a request for assistance to the board for consideration, recommending allocation of funds to cover one month’s rent for disability shown by the applicants. Following discussion the board moved, second and voted unanimously in favor to approve assistance in the amount of $1,090. At 7:05 pm, the board voted in favor to exit non-public session.
Agenda, minutes – Following approval of additional items under other business, the board approved the agenda, and deferred approval of the November 7 and 14 meeting minutes.
All States Asphalt – The board reviewed with the contractor’s project manager the cost over-run for the paving projects on Sunset Hill and Piper Lane. Mr. Aldrich explained the that the initial estimates provided were based on town-provided specifications provided in the RFP, but that the actual specifications and material needed for the job exceeded these amounts by 255 tons. The board requested that any such situation in the future include a consultation with the Select Board prior to proceeding, and urged more caution to be exercised by both parties. Following additional discussion, the board recommended paying the balance due to All States.
Old Home Days – Long-time Old Home Days Co-Chairs Ranae O’Neil and Pam Thayer announced their resignations. They have served approximately 28 years in their positions. The board thanked them for their approximately 28 years of service in their positions and accepted their resignations with sadness, further requesting any recommendations for successors.
Police Department – The chief shared additional budget considerations related to number of hours of police coverage, for board review.
South Road Bridge – The Town is eligible for municipally owned bridge funding for the total cost of $1.2 million to replace the South Road Bridge over the Minnewawa Brook. Replacement is provisionally scheduled for 2026, but possibly 2025, pending completion and financing by the town of 20% of the cost of an updated engineers’ report by Dubois & King. The state would pay the other 80%. This is a potential warrant article for 2024 Town Meeting.
Village Road project – Don Scott shared a draft construction and site plan and cost estimates to rebuild Church and School Streets, and possibly Church Alley. A formal presentation of the proposal by the Road Rebuild Committee will be scheduled for an upcoming SB meeting, likely Dec 14, to obtain public input.
Other business
– The board signed the pay warrant in the amount of $66,441.95 and the payroll warrant in the amount of $20,938.85.
-The board declared the effectiveness Dec 1 through April 15 of the Winter Parking and Snow Removal Ordinance, posted on the website and at the post office and town hall.
-SB meeting schedule. The SB will meet Thursdays at 7pm 12/7, 12/14, and 12/21, and Friday morning 12/29 at 9 am.
-Department heads. Department heads are invited to meet with the board for any additional 2024 budget preparation needs.
-First Budget Hearing is tentatively scheduled for 1/18.
-SB draft agenda for 12/7 includes: DOE Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant update; solar array on highway barn project update, 2024 budget update.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm.