Select Board
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Meeting Minutes

Select Board: Andrew Maneval, Kathy Scott, Andrea Hodson
:  Marylou Dipietro, Diana Shonk, Don Scott, Penelope King, Ben Hoy, Charles Michal, Mary Day Mordecai, Barbara Watkins, Earl Horn, Ned Hulbert

Agenda, minutes – The board voted in favor to approve the agenda. The board moved to approve the minutes of 11/2 and 11/7 as submitted and to approve the minutes of 10/27 subject to noting the high quality of service delivered to date by Cheshire Co. EMS.

Recycle Committee/Report and Recommendations – Consultant Ben Hoy summarized his analysis of the town’s recycling facility operations and expenditures, and shared recommendations. He proposes modifications to reinstate a more complete recycling program based on pre-sorting of materials and revenue generation from the sale of the recyclables that would cover operating expenditures.  Mr. Hoy believes the town’s former recycling building can be adapted at minor expense to once again house recycling operations. He emphasized that, particularly for cardboard and natural plastics, even a mediocre market generates meaningful revenue and ensures reuse of materials otherwise deposited in landfills.

The SB asked Mr. Hoy for more specific data and projections based on the current and future view of the recycling market, as well as specific implementation plan recommendations. The SB’s goal is a program that is sustainable.

The Recycling Committee supports the proposal and will return to the SB on Dec 14th with the following: 1) anticipated costs against the 2024 recycling department budget; 2) community feedback via a comment board at the Recycling Center; 3) draft language for a warrant article; and 4) a draft implementation plan.  The next RC committee meeting is Tues 12/12 at 5:00 pm.

Transportation Committee – 5 members of the TC attended to share recommendations for safety improvements along Hancock Road, from Main Street to the North Pond bridge, along Lake Skatutakee.  The suggestions are based on current data and revisiting the 2015 study of traffic volume, vehicle speeds and conditions in the area, and input from property owners, the Police Chief and conversations with the lake association executive committee. All agree safety is a shared responsibility of drivers, cyclists, pedestrians and all using the road.

Mr. Maneval noted for the minutes the Road Agent’s interest in repaving Hancock road from the Main Street intersection to the boat ramp, and invites Transportation Committee input.  The project is a possible warrant article.

Recommendations of the TC include: 1) Continued speed enforcement; 2) Brush clearing to improve line of sight and walkability; 3) Painting of a single center line on the 5 sharpest curves; and 4) Additional signage including speed limit, boat ramp and “share the road” signs.  Estimated costs are $1,580 for 12 signs, and $3700 for line-painting on 5 sections. The town is looking into renting a brush clearer. The committee would like to be involved in implementation of sign placement and paint striping and will  handle communication with the lake association and the highway dept, and with the community via Common Threads.  The committee next meets Thurs 11/30.
Andrea Hodson moved to accept the Transportation Committee recommendations and will include the costs in the 2024 Highway budget. Andrew Maneval seconded. All voted in favor.

Village Road Project/Russ Huntley Survey – The board reviewed the submitted survey in reference to possibilities for the village road project. The board will confirm statutory requirements for converting a town road, or a section of it, to a Class A or B trail, to prepare for whichever option is to be brought to Town Meeting.  The Road Work Committee next meets Tues. 11/28.

Other business – The board will submit a column for the next issue of Common Threads with information about property revaluation and the tax rate, the Recycling Committee work, and the village road project.

-The board signed the pay warrant in the amount of $270,991.41.

-The SB signed the Letter of Commitment to continue participation in the City of Keene’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection program for 2024-25.

SB Calendar – The SB next meets Thurs 11/30.  They anticipate the First Budget Hearing will be scheduled for 1/18/2024.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.