Select Board
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Meeting Minutes
Select Board: Andrew Maneval, Kathy Scott, Andrea Hodson
Attendees: Fire Chief Wayne Derosia, Police Chief Steve LaMears, Cemetery Trustee Chair Leslie Downing, Russell Downing, Road Agent Wes Tarr
The board met with individual department heads of the Fire Department, Cemetery Trustees, Police Department and Highway Department to discuss their year to date expenses and proposed 2024 budgets.
Fire Department – The SB will check the 2023 Mutual Aid invoice and fuel usage against the budget lines and will confirm the timing and any increase in the Green Insurance contract. The board takes under advisement the request for capital reserve allocations.
Cemetery Trustees – The board will re-insert the budget line for granite markers, moving this from the miscellaneous expense line. The board also will confirm the $190.00 expense and correct the classification if needed.
Police Department – The SB discussed estimated replacement and repair needs for department vehicles, approved the proposed $1800 for cloud data storage, and takes under advisement the Police Chief’s request for annual capital reserve fund allocations of $10K. The board also reviewed part-time coverage needs affecting the part-time officer budget line.
Highway Department – In light of the age and condition of the loader, the Road Agent will research lease costs and will allocate an estimate to lease or rent a loader as part of the 2024 budget. The SB will insert a placeholder in the highway budget for a part-time employee next year.
– The SB discussed with the Road Agent a possible Warrant Article for 2024 to repair a section of Hancock Road from the intersection of Main Street.
Fuel quotes – The final fuel quotes for the coming year are being assembled for the board to consider and vote on at the Thursday SB meeting.
South Road Bridge over Minnewawa Brook – Andrea Hodson noted that grant funding is available for 100% of the replacement cost for the South Road bridge, either for 2024-25 or 2025-26. She will update the board at the 11/30 meeting on next steps for planning and any budgetary impact to fund an updated engineering report per the DOT.
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 am.