Historic District Commission
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Meeting Minutes

Members present: Noel Greiner, Chair; Sarah Tibbetts, Vice Chair; Kully Mindemann; Rex
Baker; Michael Price; Kathy Scott
Attendees:  Eleanor Drury

Site visit – At 6:30 pm, HDC members convened for a site visit at 19 Main Street.  Property owner Eleanor Drury showed the board the two above ground basement windows, on the south facing facade, that were replaced with more weather efficient windows. The board discussed how the windows compared to those that were removed and to the dwelling’s other windows.   Members and the applicant recessed to town hall for the 7:00 pm public hearing.

Eleanor Drury, 19 Main Street (Map 61 – Lot 1) – applying for approval to replace two south facing basement level windows, six over six double hung with same framing, to match the previously existing style with the addition of improved heat retention Marvin panes.  With no additional questions, other than the request that in the future the property owner file the application prior to undertaking the work, Kully Mindemann moved to approve the windows as installed.  Kathy Scott seconded. All voted in favor.

On part 2 of the application, the request to install a temporary mesh dog fence along the side yard, members agreed the installation would not alter the physical characteristics of the historic structure. Michael Price moved to approve the mesh dog fence. All voted in favor.

Year to date budget review – The chair noted that, with the exception of the budget line for postage,  the HDC is running under budget.  The overage on postage is due to the higher than anticipated number of applications, for which hearing notices are required.

Meeting Minutes of June – The board approved the minutes of the previous meeting.

Certified Local Government Program (CLG) – Discussion with Brandee Loughlin of the NH Division of Historical Resources – As part of the town’s status as a CLG, the HDC is eligible to apply for grants for town-owned historic properties, whether for restoration work, surveys of properties for potential listing on the National Register, assistance with design guidelines/regulations, educational workshops, or historic development. The board learned how funding for projects is prioritized and allocated, and about the timetable for the application process. Letters of Intent are due in February/March and grant deadlines are in June, with a critical portion of the application consisting of project estimates.  The town is eligible to designate 3 people for access to the state’s “EMMIT” program, a database of historic properties.  Ms. Loughlin will forward a copy of the application packet.

In response to a question about a grant application for restoration of the stone columns at the entrance to Aldworth Manor, the board learned that application for a Moose Plate Grant is the most suitable avenue. Amy Dixon at the NH Division of Historical Resources is the best contact (amy.s.dixon@dncr.nh.gov) For more information about Moose Grants, see https://www.nh.gov/nhdhr/grants/moose/

Other business – Rex Baker reported on interior stabilization and repair work on the historic barn at 8 School Street. Exterior work will come before the HDC.

At its next meeting, Tuesday, August 22, the board will hear applications for a mini-split system on Main Street and for a new loading dock for Harrisville Designs behind the mill building at 69 Main Street.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.