Transportation Committee (TC) Meeting Minutes, Thursday, June 29, 2023
Present: Mary Day Mordecai (chair), Barbara Watkins, Earl Horn, Erin Hammerstedt, Alison Weber, Ned Hulbert. Steve LaMears
Next Meeting: TBD
1) Discussion of Hancock Rd – Lake Skatutakee Traffic Concerns and Possible Improvements:
TC has had talks with various individuals on Hancock Rd. who are concerned about speeding, heavier trucks, weight limit or vehicle size limits.
We have learned that Hancock DPW has a seasonal speed table available, which they would sell to us at a very low cost to us if we want it. Our Police Chief also sent TC a copy of the 2015 Engineering Study recommendations made to the Select Board.
TC discussed recommendations made in the 2015 report and additional options proposed by committee members:
- Double yellow centerline painted on road; not considered a good option by committee
- Painted speed limits or “Slow” on road
- New 25 mph speed limit signs (totaling 3 in each direction)
- At least 3 pedestrian signs going in each direction
- Orange cones placed in center of road: not considered to be a good idea by committee
- Removing overhanging brush obstructing driver sight distance
- Chip seal surface makes noise which helps to alert pedestrians to on-coming traffic; this has already been done
- Building up shoulders of road to allow safer space for pedestrians (a possibility to be discussed with road crew)
- An inexpensive radar speed limit sign might be considered (one at each end – $900/sign)
- Centerline paving flippers set in middle of road (question about possible resulting noise; we may try on an experimental basis if we can get some flippers from the DOT)
- Enforcement: more car stops during summer season with warnings
- Can Town prohibit through traffic for heavy trucks? (This needs to be researched.)
Summary of TC Discussion of possible approaches
- Signage: More speed limit signs: 3 in each direction; there are currently 3; boat ramp signs (2)
- Road Painting: Paint “SLOW” in road near boat launch
- Inexpensive radars – one in each direction; these would take the place of 2 speed limit signs
- More low-key enforcement
- Talks with owners of local businesses with large trucks that regularly use Hancock Road
- Removable chip-seal, center-line reflective markers: an experiment for S curves
Earl will develop a map to lay out specific TC proposed improvements noted above.
Once the TC has agreed upon recommendations, we will discuss with the Planning Board (7/12) before presenting to the Select Board.
TC Chair will speak with Chair of Skatutakee Lake Association to see we should hold a meeting with residents to discuss these questions either before or after meetings noted above.
2) Chesham Road Question
TC agrees with Steve’s input from the NHDOT: that SB not request a study or speed limits likely to be raised.
And SB consider bringing TC in again when a resident comes to SB with a similar issue.
3) Silver Rd/Prospect Pinch intersection is problematic – discuss at next meeting