Select Board
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Meeting Minutes
Select Board: Andrew Maneval, Kathy Scott, Andrea Hodson
Attendees: Don Scott, Les LaMois, Rosemary Cifrino, Charles Michal
The meeting opened at 7:00 pm.
Agenda, minutes of 4/6/2023 – With the additions of updates on the Recycling Committee and Agricultural Commission, discussion of the road sign for Rosemary Trail, the Senate Bill on sanctuary towns, and the email address for the Energy & Electric Aggregation Committee (EEAC), the board approved the agenda.
In comments on the minutes of April 6, the board clarified that Andrew Maneval is an alternate member of the Community Power Coalition of NH (CPCNH) and does not anticipate being on the board following the April 21 annual meeting when the positions become elected. In addition, in the motion on page 3 of the minutes, the word “delegates” should read “delegated.” The board approved the minutes with these corrections.
Noise complaint – The board again heard from a resident who played audio of noise coming from a home-based business. Following discussion of the nature of the noise, the date the home-based business was established relative to the adoption of the zoning ordinances, Andrew Maneval moved to request an opinion on basic characteristics of noise protection under the home-based business ordinances, regulations on hours of operation and remedies. Andrea Hodson seconded. All voted in favor. The board will look into the complaint and, within a couple of weeks, have a response and recommended action from the board.
Complaint to PUC re Eversource– Andrew Maneval reported on his complaint to the PUC regarding Eversource’s lack of crediting customers for excess solar generation returned to the grid. Following discussion of the PUC’s subsequent issuance of a formal complaint to Eversource from the Town of Harrisville, the board agreed to continue with the complaint from the Town, rather than from Mr. Maneval individually, and to notify CPCNH accordingly.
Non-resident use of transfer station – The board deferred the matter to its next meeting.
SB Rules of Procedure – The board reviewed its edits to the draft rules of procedure. The board then moved to adopt as amended. All voted in favor.
Salary survey – Andrea Hodson shared her research and salary survey of neighboring and comparably-sized towns for Town Clerk and Highway positions. Following discussion, the board approved increases for the Town Clerk position, and the Road Agent and Road Crew positions. All voted in favor. The increases are effective with the pay letters going out this coming week.
EEAC membership and update – Andrea Hodson noted the committee is set to draft the RFP for the solar project, the appropriation for which was approved through Warrant Article 10. The committee will submit the draft to the SB for review on May 5. The existing committee members include Katie Hamon, Jon Knight, Sherry Sims, Pat Putnam, and Ari Levine. Charles Michal and Doug Gline were invited to join. Mr. Michal agreed to join for the RFP portion of the committee work. The board will ask the Town Clerk to prepare the oaths of office.
Kathy Scott asked about the email address being used by the EEAC, concerned the existing address confuses recipients that the sender is the town. Andrea Hodson will check on it. The next meeting of the EEAC is April 19 at 9:00 am at town offices.
RFP for Road Projects – The board reviewed the draft RFP, also reviewed by the Road Agent, adding dates to the document and otherwise approving. The RFP will go out Friday, April 14. Bids are due Thursday, May 18, and will be opened at that evening’s SB meeting.
Report on meeting with the Nelson SB and Fire Chief – The SB met with Nelson officials to clarify their medical rescue needs and current staffing situation. The Fire Chiefs will be in touch to work on plans. The towns’ Select Boards will stay in touch.
Board / Committee appointments and updates
–Recycle Center Committee – The board will confirm with Cathy Lovas if oaths of office are needed for the Recycle Committee members. Separately, Kathy Scott is working with DES to file any updates required for the Town’s Permit by Notification for facility operations, issued in 2007. The committee aims to have all required documentation in place by year-end. RC committee members will attend the May NRRA training.
–Agricultural Commission (AC) – The SB will ask the AC, during next year’s budget preparation process, to recommend a means and an amount for an Agricultural Commission expense line in the operating budget.
-The SB signed oaths of office for Andrea Hodson for a 3-year appointment to the Zoning Board, for Andrew Maneval for a 1-year ex-officio appointment to the Planning Board, and for Kathy Scott for a 1-year ex-officio appointment to the Historic District Commission.
Correspondence and other business
-Legal update – Andrew Maneval informed the board that the Court ruled in favor of the Town and Pamela Worden in granting the Motion for Summary Judgment. For the Chesham junk violations, Mr. Maneval will draft a notice to the property owners of the pending Notice of Violation from the town attorney.
–Rosemary Trail sign – The SB will ask the Road Agent to obtain a new road sign for Rosemary Trail, removing the “private” portion, as this is a Class VI road, privately maintained but open to the public.
–Sanctuary towns – The SB indicated its opposition to SB 132, which passed in the state senate and is currently in the house. If passed, sanctuary towns would be illegal. The SB stated this goes against the will of Town Meeting as expressed in the vote on Warrant Article 9 at the 2017, declaring Harrisville a sanctuary town, and charges the SB Chair with opposing the bill.
–E-bikes on Eastview Trail – Regarding the posted notice along the Eastview Trail citing E-bike use, the SB discussed the options for action. Andrea Hodson noted that the property owners and Trails Group met and the property owners will share recommendations with the Trails Group on how to resolve concerns. Don Scott noted the SB should understand that the state has already ruled on different classes of e-bikes and that one option the board has is to uphold state law.
–Church/School Street Road Project – Kathy Scott noted that she and the Road Agent will walk the Ewing/McMaster property with the property owners, focusing on Church Alley, with the longer-term consideration of an easement agreement as part of the proposed road work in that area.
-The SB signed the pay warrant in the amount of $12,207.15.
-The SB signed the Tax Collector’s Interest Policy, per RSA 76:13, authorizing the waiver of interest on property tax bills up to $25.
-SB meeting calendar and agendas – The SB will not meet April 20. The next meeting of the SB is Friday, April 28, when the board will discuss its major projects, which will include cell phone service and emergency communications. The Board will submit their individual project lists to the administrative assistant for discussion at the meeting. The April 28 agenda also will include committee and subcommittee updates, goals, and/or submissions due to the Select Board.
The board adjourned at 9:30 pm.