Select Board
Thursday, December 1, 2022
Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Kathy Scott, Pegg Monahan. Absent: Andrea Hodson
Attendees: Electric Aggregation Committee representatives Andrew Maneval, Ned Hulbert, Sherry Sims, Ari Levine, Katie Hamon; Health Officer David Belknap; EMD and facilities Jeff Cady; Winston Sims.
Kathy Scott opened the meeting at 7:00 pm.
Agenda, minutes – Following additions to the agenda, including updates on the Recycle Center Committee, the Road Work Committee, and the bookkeeper position, the SB approved the agenda. The SB then approved the meeting minutes of 11/3, 11/4, 11/8 and 11/18.
EAC – The Energy and Electric Aggregation Committee presented to the SB the updated Community Power Plan. The committee has responded to the PUC’s Rulemaking requests, adding additional details about protection of individual customer data, as well as details about the structure of the Load Serving Entity and how the LSE services will be implemented. The committee also added a glossary of terminology to make the plan more user-friendly, and an update on administrative and legislative activities related to Community Power. No material changes were made to the plan passed at Town Meeting in May of 2021.
Following review and discussion, Kathy Scott moved to adopt the modifications as recommended by the Energy & Electric Aggregation Committee to be incorporated in the Harrisville Community Power Electric Aggregation Plan (TM-05-22-2021:12-01-2022); and, to task the SB Chair to prepare the requisite cover letter (and distribution list) and submit the modified Plan to the PUC for review and approval. Pegg Monahan seconded. The board vote 2-0 in favor.
The committee explained that the next steps include submission of the Plan by the SB to the PUC for approval prior to implementation. Following approval by the PUC, the committee will begin to analyze the implementation method to propose to the SB – either through the Community Power Coalition of NH (CPCNH) or otherwise). The SB would then select a vendor to launch Community Power. The hoped-for schedule is to officially launch Community Power in Summer 2023.
Water quality – David Belknap and Jeff Cady spoke to the recent water test results, noting the comprehensive results are better than the standard tests. Water treatment specialist have viewed results and agree on the recommendation to install a water treatment system, such as a carbon bed system or a water softener system. A reverse osmosis (RO) system has also been considered but, given the type and quantify of water use at the fire station and town offices versus for a home system, and based on the cost of “RO” systems, this is not the recommended option. Mr. Belknap and Mr. Cady will draft bid specifications and, depending on cost, may put the project out to bid. They noted the cost-effectiveness of a water treatment system versus having to replace the existing well.
Facilities update – 1) Fire Dept/Town Hall Roadside Digital Sign – With the help of the Highway Dept, the frame and posts for the roadside digital sign are in. Mr. Cady is now working on the software install and has lined up an electrician for the hookup; 2) The Fire Department alarm panel needs replacing as part of landline phone repair. Monadnock Security has ordered the part and will come as soon as they can to repair; 3) Fencing for the Recycle Center – Mr. Cady is getting quotes; 4) FD Generator – Mr. Cady also noted a quote is needed to replace the FD generator as it lacks a fill whistle and Swanzey Oil will no longer supply diesel for it; 5) Safety Committee audits for all buildings were submitted for SB review.
On the updating of the town’s Hazard Mitigation Plan, the first meeting with SWRPC is scheduled for Wednesday, January 11, 9:30-11.
Employee manual – Pegg Monahan will add the recommended Fraud Policy language. Mr. Cady’s submitted comments on the safety section.
Downtown Paving Project – In light of the complicated road and drainage repairs slated for Church and School Streets and scheduled for a Warrant Article at 2023 Town Meeting, the SB named the following to serve on the Road Repair Committee: Highway Department Staff, including Road Agent Wes Tarr, Brian Tarr and Garry Lafond; Charles Michal; Michael Davidson; Erin Hammerstedt, Seth Kallman, Kathy Scott and Don Scott.
The committee has reviewed existing conditions. Map and plan preparation are underway. The committee estimates initial plan work to map ledge, utilities, septic lines and culverts will cost roughly $2,000. It is anticipated the Warrant Articles and project will be proposed in two phases. Phase one would include drainage, ditching and culvert work. Phase two would involve surface and paving work.
Winston Sims asked about consideration of storm water management, and steps that can be taken by abutting property owners to help with runoff onto the road and adjacent properties. The board noted the challenges of downtown properties and particularly the steep slopes in this section. They also noted the role of the Conservation Commission on educational outreach but the inability of the town to require that any work be done. The next meeting of the committee is Tuesday, January 10, at 7:30 am at the Highway barn.
Recycle Center Committee – Next meeting is Tuesday, December 13, from 5-7. The board anticipates receiving a proposal from Elm City Compost for a program at the town’s facility.
Staffing – The board will meet Friday 12/2 at 9 am with a Tax Collector candidate; Kathy Scott is pursuing a potential candidate for cleaning; Pegg Monahan is following up on bookkeeping position candidates and ascertaining with office staff the challenges if the new hire is remote.
Finance – The SB signed the pay warrant in the amount of $102,877.31 and approved the payroll warrant in the amount of $15,262.55; the SB signed the Authorization to Transfer for Warrant Articles #5 and #7 for the Trustees of the Trust Funds, the Mason Road Paving project and Town Hall painting respectively.
E-bikes on Eastview Trail – Kathy Scott noted she would like to consult with town counsel again about the town easement with respect to e-bike use.
Proposed agenda for December 8:
Diluzio Ambulance Service
Fire Department
Pay warrant, correspondence and other business
Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.