Select Board
Thursday, August 4, 2022
Meeting Minutes

Select Board: Andrea Hodson, Kathy Scott, Pegg Monahan
Donna Sprague

The meeting opened at 7:00 pm.

Agenda, Minutes – The board approved the meeting agenda and the minutes of July 29.

Departments and Committees
Finance –
The board signed the pay warrant in the amount of $11,198.36 and approved the July 28 payroll warrant in the amount of $17,972.34.

-Fuel for 2022-23 – The board is talking to the SAU about potential for joint purchase of oil; separately the board will begin to get fuel quotes from vendors.

The board noted they will review submissions for the Finance Specialist position prior to scheduling interviews;

150th accounting wrap up – The board anticipates the final invoices from the 150th committee by the end of August, so that books can be balanced.

EAC – The Electric Aggregation Committee will meet Tuesday, August 9, at 8 am with area towns to hear about their energy conservation initiatives.

RC Committee -The Recycle Center Committee will meet Tuesday, August 9, from 5-7 as well as Wednesday, August 10, at Monadnock Disposal’s facilities.

Select Board project updates – The board continued discussion of ongoing projects as follows:
Police Department staffing/hiring process – Pegg Monahan is reaching out to Greenville and Temple for information on their police department collaboration and how the agreement is financially structured;
-Cleaning position – Remains open. The board is pursuing leads;

Speeding issue – Kathy Scott talked to Henry Underwood at SWPRC, who will connect with the DOT about a traffic study for the particular section of Chesham road of concern to residents. Mr. Underwood will get back to the SB. The Transportation Commission is in the loop;

-Grant money for electronic notice board and police cruiser –
Pegg Monahan is obtaining estimates. The board will seek feedback on design ideas via a Common Threads article (deadline: Sept 20). The board received confirmation from the PD on paint color for the cruiser.

Correspondence and other business
-Police Department audit is scheduled for 8/22. Payroll records have been supplied. SB awaits feedback whether or not individual time sheets also are required.

-Archiving of town office files/material – Pegg Monahan will reach out to contacts to get recommendations for materials needed, storage needs, etc.  For office filing and digitizing projects, the board discussed possibly seeking an intern from Keene High or Keene State.

-Commercial bus parking in village – The board was informed that bus parking/staging is now occurring at Audrey’s or another alternate location in Dublin. The SB will continue to monitor and thanks Mr. Garland for communicating with the bus operators.

Non-public session – At 8:46 pm, per RSA 91-A3II, the SB voted unanimously to enter non-public session to discuss Planning Board team development. At 9:10 pm the board voted in favor to exit executive session.

Adjournment – The  meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm.