Select Board
Thursday, May 19, 2022
Meeting Minutes

Select Board:  Andrea Hodson, Chair, Kathy Scott, Pegg Monahan

Attendees:      Fire Chief Wayne Derosia, Rob DiLuzio, Emergency Management Director Jeff Cady, Josh Rosenstock, Ranae O’Neil, David O’Neil, Martin John Hasz, Seth Kallman

Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm.

Agenda – The board approved the agenda as written.

Minutes of previous meeting – With three amendments, the board moved and voted in favor to approve the minutes of May 12.

Ambulance service – The SB met with Rob DiLuzio of R.J. DiLuzio Ambulance Service to discuss the company’s plan to continue to provide ambulance service in light of the end of merger talks with the county. Mr. DiLuzio described the status of their business and their reaffirmation of agreements with towns to continue to serve their ambulance needs. He also confirmed that the company’s financial status has stabilized since the challenges at the start of the pandemic. Their staff of about 46 employees contains trained EMTs, advanced EMTs and paramedics. The SB noted they would be back in touch with DiLuzio following further consideration of the information.

Yellow Wings Road – butters notified but none in attendance. Seth Kallman and Josh Rosenstock again met with the board to discuss their application to improve a section of this Class VI road off of Breed Road. Though notified of the discussion, no abutters attended or raised any concerns. The Road Agent, who had discussed the project on a site visit with Mr. Kallman, also raised no concerns. Mr. Rosenstock and Mr. Kallman anticipate a need for ongoing maintenance in the years ahead; however, if their needs change, they will return to the board with a modified or new application.  Kathy Scott then moved to approve the application for maintenance on Yellow Wings Road as set forth in the application submitted by Josh Rosenstock. Pegg Monahan seconded. All voted in favor.

150th Celebration Weekend – Martin Hasz discussed with Ranae O’Neil of the 150th Committee the purchase and installation of additional flags to be placed along Prospect Street, Silver Road and Canal Street for the 150th Celebration weekend July 22-24. The board and committee thanked Mr. Hasz for his generosity.

Finance and ongoing projects
The Chair reminded SB members of the deadline dates for upcoming grant opportunities.
-June 3 is the application deadline for the local equipment purchase grant. The board discussed use of funds for the purchase of the additional police vehicle, approved for purchase at town meeting. The  Equipment Purchase grant covers 90%, while the town would cover 10% of the cost. The chair will obtain a quote from MHQ.  Pegg Monahan will obtain information from DOT on the purchase of portable traffic safety signage.

-For the FEMA grant opportunity for hazard mitigation, Andrea Hodson will talk to Jeff Cady.

-July 1st is the deadline for the grant for culvert replacement. The SB will discuss this with the Road Agent.

-Jan 2024 is the deadline for the town’s decision on ARPA funds and target projects.

-The board also discussed targeting funding for needed South Road Bridge wingwall repair and/or repairs to the bridge and walls on Island Street over the canal and will discuss both with the Road Agent.

SWRPC culvert and traffic study proposals – The board noted that the Road Agent has to apply for the traffic study proposal. SWRPC is sending the town a proposal for the culvert inventory.

Chesham Road neighborhood complaints
Following receipt of complaints about accumulation of junk, the board stated it has 30 days to respond to complainants. The board will review town ordinances and state statutes and consider potential environmental, safety and structural ramifications if and as appropriate.

SB signed pay warrant in the amount of $3576.27.

Correspondence and other business
Subsequent to the Planning Board’s vote in favor to nominate Select Board Member Pegg Monahan as representative to Southwest Region Planning Commission, the Select Board moved, seconded and voted unanimously in favor to affirm the Planning Board’s decision. The Select Board further voted to advance Planning Board representative Kate Neary, also nominated by the Planning Board to the SWRPC, to candidacy for the SWRPC Board of Directors.

The SB voted in favor to support the Conservation Commission’s decision to help fund Lake Host programsas follows:  $1,125 for the Silver Lake Association; $1,125 for the Skatutakee Lake Association; and $750 for the Harrisville Pond Association. The SB will process these payments in the coming week.

Harrisville Pond Boat Ramp Parking – The board continued discussion of possible signage. Don Scott will make edits to the boat ramp map to clarify parking areas to maximize visitor access.

At 9:14 pm, the SB continued its meeting to Friday, May 20, 2022 at 3:30 pm at town offices to meet with Zach Byam regarding the search committee’s candidate recommendation for Police Chief.