Select Board
Thursday, May 12, 2022
Meeting Minutes
Select Board: Andrea Hodson, Kathy Scott, Pegg Monahan
Attendees: Donna Sprague, Seth Kallman, David O’Neil, Josh Rosenstock, Barbara Watkins,
Ranae O’Neil, Pam Thayer, Harry Wolhandler, Earl Horn
The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and immediately re-opened the Eversource Public Hearing, continued from May 5.
Eversource Public Hearing – The board confirmed that the list of trees proposed to be removed was up to date. Mr. D’Arcangelo of Eversource reminded the board that trees not approved by property owners for removal would remain in place. With no further questions, the Select Board moved to approve Eversource’s proposed tree removal on Venable and Tolman Pond Roads, excluding tree #27 on the Venable Road property of the owner who opposed.
At 7:08 pm, Andrea Hodson closed the public hearing, and the SB proceeded with its regular business.
Agenda – Following the request from Pegg Monahan to add a new section called “old business”, including ongoing projects such as the employee manual and SWRPC road studies, the SB moved and voted in favor to approve the agenda as amended.
Minutes of April 21 and May 5 – Pegg Monahan moved to approve the minutes of May 5th with the amendment to the section on water testing to read “approximately 4 weeks”. The vote was 2-0 in favor with Kathy Scott abstaining due to absence. Subsequently, Kathy Scott moved to approve the minutes of April 21 as written. The vote was 2-0 in favor with Pegg Monahan abstaining due to absence.
Department and committee forum
150th update – Ranae O’Neil and Pam Thayer of the 150th Committee shared the updated schedule of events for July 22-24. They discussed the parade plans and permitting, including road closure/detour based on input from the DOT. In addition:
-They requested permission from the SB to sell tickets at the Recycle Center for the Firemen’s Chicken Barbecue, which the SB approved;
-Fireworks are scheduled to launch from Island Cemetery, though the board noted the debris and water pollution concerns expressed by a couple of residents;
-The committee will consult with the Police Department on coverage needs;
-Kathy Scott will coordinate with the Recycling Center on hours of operation for that weekend, proposing normal hours for Friday, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm, and adjusted hours for Saturday, 8:00 am – 11:00 am and 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm; also opening Sunday from 4-6pm for the committee for cleanup;
–The SB will coordinate Thursday port-o-potty and trash pickup;
-The office will draft and mail the letter to village residents who may be affected by road closure during parade and 150th activities;
-The SB will ask the highway department about resetting the benches in Veterans Park. The committee also asked for replacement of the tree;
-Ranae O’Neil will ask Wayne for help with flags and is coordinating with Martin Hasz for additional flags along Prospect Street and Silver Road; and
–The committee will extend invitations to local dignitaries, State Senator Jay Kahn and State Representative Andrew Maneval. Governor Sununu has been invited as well. Andrea Hodson is drafting the SB dedication.
–Anyone interested in volunteering should reach out to Pam Thayer or Ranae O’Neil.
Class VI Road Maintenance/Yellow Wings Road – The SB and Seth Kallman discussed the Road Agent’s review of Mr. Kallman’s application to improve a 650-foot section of Yellow Wings Road near Breed Road. Abutters within 200’ of the property owner will be noticed as to the date of SB discussion, anticipated to be either Thursday, May 19, or Friday, May 27.
HDC – The Historic District Commission nominated Michael Price and Kully Mindemann for 3-year terms. The SB board discussed their qualifications, and subsequently moved and voted in favor to approve both appointments and signed their oaths of office.
–Police Chief search – Interviews start the week of May 17.
–Select Board Office staff – The SB will discuss backfilling and job description for the finance coordinator position. Andrea Hodson will backfill for payroll, grant applications and pay warrants.
Correspondence and other business
-The SB reviewed the scope of services submitted by engineering firm Wilcox & Barton, who proposes to take over where Golder Associates left off. Golder was recently acquired and is no longer available to oversee the DES Groundwater Management Permit process. The SB will schedule a meeting with Wilcox & Barton to discuss.
– The RFP for the Silver Lake boat ramp repair will go out Friday, May 13, and has a deadline of 4 weeks.
– Harrisville Pond boat ramp – Pegg Monahan reiterated that a lack of signage has led to cars parking in the two spaces available for trailers. Signage may also help keep non-boating visitors from filling spaces for boaters. Ms. Monahan submitted a signage proposal which the board will discuss further as there was a difference of opinion on the effectiveness and the appropriate number to be posted.
-The deadline for the Locality Equipment Purchase Program, part of the Governor’s Office for Emergence Relief and Recovery (GOFERR), is June 3. Pegg Monahan will check in with Jeff Cady on potential equipment needs for the board to discuss.
-The SB signed tax warrant for first half bills due July 1, 2022.
-The SB signed the pay warrant in the amount of $268,324.06.
-The SB signed Intents to Cut for Brown Road and Breed Road.
-The SB signed the paperwork for David O’Neil as State Fire Warden.
-Memorial Day program – The SB discussed the annual program schedule prepared by Rodger Martin. The ceremony is Sunday, May 29, at 11:00 am. The SB will attend. Kathy Scott will discuss wreaths and other logistics with Mr. Martin.
The SB signed the authorization to transfer $190.00 into the Cemetery Maintenance Trust fund.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.