Historic District Commission
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Meeting Minutes
Members present: Doug Walker, Sarah Tibbetts, Noel Greiner, Michael Price, Kathy Scott, Rex Baker, Kully Mindemann
Noel Greiner opened the meeting at 7:00 pm.
Agenda – Members moved and voted in favor to approve the agenda.
Meeting Minutes – Members moved and voted in favor to approve the March 22 minutes.
Election of officers – Kathy Scott moved to nominate Noel Greiner as Chair. Sarah Tibbetts seconded. All voted in favor. The board discussed Mr. Greiner’s holding this position on an interim basis until a new chair can be named. Subsequently Noel Greiner moved to name Sarah Tibbetts as Vice Chair. Kathy Scott seconded. All voted in favor. Mr. Greiner then moved to name Doug Walker as Application Reviewer. Rex Baker seconded. All voted in favor.
Prospective member meet and greet – Following interest expressed by Kully Mindemann to serve on the HDC, members discussed with him his background and experience in education and carpentry, and his work on several homes in historic district. Following this discussion and the sharing of ideas about helpful resources for new members, Noel Greiner moved that the HDC invite Kully Mindemann to join the HDC. Kathy Scott seconded. All voted in favor. The nomination now goes to the Select Board to vote on formal appointment.
Members noted that the new member toolkit would include the following: The HDC Rules of procedure, HDC Regulations, Map of the district, HDC Forms, Meeting Minutes of the previous year, sample agendas, and tips on available training.
New historic district resident brochure – Doug Walker and a subcommittee are drafting an outline for property owners on the process for making or proposing modifications to new homes, what the requirements are, and what the process entails. It was noted that 22 properties in the district are under covenants held by Historic Harrisville. Mr. Walker also suggests offering relevant historical information on the homes and helpful information for new property owners in the district.
The board suggested a Frequently Asked Questions section, and a section on where to go for more information depending on question. Kathy Scott subsequently moved to support the subcommittee in pursuit of progress on the project . The motion was seconded. All voted in favor. The subcommittee will move ahead. The next step is to obtain input from Erin Hammerstedt of Historic Harrisville.
The meeting adjourned at 7:57 pm.