Select Board Minutes
April 29, 2022
Town offices and zoom

Select Board:  Andrea Hodson, Chair, and Pegg Monahan. Absent: Kathy Scott
Attendees:       Fire Chief Wayne Derosia, Road Agent Wes Tarr, Barbara Watkins, David
Thompson, and Ted Braun

The chair opened the meeting at 9:30 am.

Agenda, Minutes – The agenda was approved as prepared. The board deferred vote on the meeting minutes to the May 5 meeting due to the absence of Pegg Monahan.

Department and Committee Forum
Highway Department – culvert inventory – Pegg Monahan noted that SWRPC will prepare information on culvert inventory work, including an estimate for the town portion of the project.

Silver lake boat ramp – Due to work load, Mr. Tarr noted the Highway Dept is not likely to have time to repair the cracks on each end at the top of the ramp, caused by frost, causing the rainwater to drain improperly. Andrea Hodson will draft an RFP to outsource the work and the Road Agent will review.

Canal Street – The board discussed with Mr. Tarr the holes along the side of Canal Street. He will take a look and fill in as needed.

South Road – The Road Agent noted two culverts need to be replaced.

Town Hall parking lot – The Highway Dept is awaiting connections and concrete covers to repair the drain basins.
Training for Highway Dept – Pegg Monahan described the T2 training programs offered through UNH. The department can let the SB know if /when they’d like to attend.
Dump truck price increase – Mr. Tarr asked the SB if he should proceed with the dump truck purchase given the $6,500 price increase. The board agreed he should.
Increased truck and large vehicle traffic on Tolman Pond Road – Mr. Tarr explained the road is increasingly being used due to GPS navigation. The road is too narrow for these vehicles and dangerous for two-way traffic. The board discussed language for effective signage, which could be posted at either end to divert large trucks to the state roads. In the meantime, the Road Agent has asked for a traffic count. The board will discuss with the Transportation Committee.

Chesham Beach Committee – Dave Thompson attended to explain the proposed replenishment of sand at Chesham Beach on South Road, not done since 2005. A Wetlands Permit is required from DES. Mr. Thompson and Pat Gagne have prepped the area, including raking to remove bees, and have prepared the DES application for appropriate town officials to sign. The proposal involves adding 17 cubic yards of sand, approximately 900 square feet or two truckloads.  Following discussion, the SB agreed to name Dave Thompson as agent for the town on the DES application.

The washed sand will be purchased from Cold River Materials. The Highway Dept will assist with delivery to the beach. Following review and approval by DES, expected to take 50 days, the committee hopes to have the beach ready by 4th of July.  The committee will contact Mr. Tarr when approval is received.

-Police Department / Police Chief search – The board noted that Officer in Charge Zach Byam will lead the search team. To date, four applications have been submitted. The search committee will meet this Friday to begin candidate evaluation. Following its evaluation and interviews, the committee will make a recommendation to the board.

-Fire Department – Chief Derosia asked the board for any available information on the County/DiLiuzio ambulance service buyout. Andrea Hodson noted that County Commissioner Chris Coates and a DiLuzio Representative have been invited to meet with the SB to discuss their plan for service in Harrisville and the area.

-The Chief would like to resurrect the proposal to expand the Fire Dept building as well as the parking area, so the Fire Department can get all its equipment under one roof. The Chief noted the proposal, other than allowing for current cost estimates, would be similar to the plan previously brought to town meeting 15 years ago. The SB will consider this for a possible warrant article next year. In the meantime, the SB suggested that Pegg Monahan, Chief Derosia and Jeff Cady consider the options and come up with a recommendation to facilitate movement of Fire Dept equipment currently stored in the old highway garage.

-Chief Derosia reiterated his suggestion that the SB gather with SB members of adjacent / area towns to share ideas and challenges and discuss potential collaboration. They commented on what makes the most sense in terms of size of towns to invite, and in terms of areas of focus or networking opportunities in a variety of areas. The Fire Chief will discuss further with Pegg Monahan and get back to the SB.

– The Fire chief is working with the town’s IT consultant to prepare for the state software program changeover this summer. The programming switch is generated by Harrisville’s dispatch center, which handles 88 towns. The board discussed reaching out to other towns involved to see if they’ve had luck with the transition.

Fire Dept propane tank – The SB office will call Rymes to schedule an inspection.

Committee/Board Nomination Form – The SB continued discussion of the draft form and the importance of training for new and continuing board members. The SB will share a final draft of the form with board and committee chairs.

Employee Handbook – Pegg Monahan is compiling proposed edits, suggesting an addition on the topic of retirement and revision on the topics of overtime with pay and paid leave. The board will continue its review and discussion.

Select Board procedures – Andrea Hodson incorporated suggested changes from board colleagues. The updated version will be considered for adoption at the May 12th SB meeting.

Soil and water contamination at town offices – The Health Officer awaits the latest water samples. Emergency Management Director Jeff Cady shared results of composite soil samples, as testing was requested and recommended by the state. Mr. Cady noted that tests for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), and for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), both essential for fuel oil, came up non-detectable. Mr. Cady will share the results with the state and ask them if the extracted soil can be removed from the site and the hole filled in.

-Mr. Cady then discussed options to upgrade the generator or install an exterior, above-ground fuel tank, but isn’t sure either is necessary at this time. Powers Generator will provide an estimate for an external fuel tank. Mr. Cady will ask the state about its updated requirements for these systems, as ours was installed in 2011 or 2012.

-The board briefly reviewed the status of the old fire station at the Harrisville Pond boat ramp and whether it makes sense to remediate and prepare it for safe storage and use by the town. No decision was made.

-Mr. Cady has replaced the rotted boards and trim on the town office building exterior to prepare it for painting.

Correspondence and other business
-The SB signed the pay warrant in the amount of $21,575.98.

-The SB signed the Assessor’s RFP for the 2023 property revaluation.

The meeting adjourned at 12:15 pm.