Select Board Minutes
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Town offices and zoom
Attendees: Andrea Hodson, Kathy Scott, and Andrew Maneval
The Chair opened the meeting at 7:30 pm.
Minutes of February 10 and February 15 – The board moved to approve both sets of minutes, noting the February 10 meeting’s initial continuation to February 11 required further continuation to February 15 due to unavailability of needed information for the business at hand. All voted in favor.
2022 Warrant and Proposed Operating Budget (MS-636) – The board will post the Warrant and Budget on February 18, 2022 at Wells Memorial School, the polling place, as well as at other public locations, including town offices, the town website and the post office.
Finance – The board signed the pay warrant in the amount of $163,795.37.
Assessing – The board signed the Certificate of Equalization Ratio.
Department and committee forum
-Police Department – The board discussed the police Chief’s request to increase the hourly rate for police detail to capture all of the town’s costs. The board will confirm with Chief Tollett and the Finance Coordinator that the proposed amount will achieve this goal. Separately, the board reviewed the chief’s recommendation for the Police Department administrative assistant position and agreed that prospective candidate should be hired, provided the total cost for administrate assistance does not exceed the budget.
Full-time employees – The chair noted that the end of year John Hancock Retirement Plan statements will be distributed to enrolled employees.
Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm. The next meeting of the Select Board is Friday, February 25, at 9:30 am.