Harrisville Planning Board
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Meeting Minutes
The Harrisville Planning held a regularly scheduled meeting and public hearing on Wednesday, February 9, 2022 at town offices and via zoom.
Members present: Lisa Anderson, Ryan Stone, Courtney Cox, Kate Neary, Don Scott, Pete Thayer, Ned Hulbert
Members absent: Noel Greiner, Jon Miner
Voting members
Ryan Stone noted the voting members for the evening included Lisa Anderson, Courtney Cox, Ned Hulbert, Andrea Hodson and himself. With members attending both at town hall and via zoom, all voting would be by roll call.
Following the amendment to remove the item of the Transportation Committee update, all voted in favor of the agenda.
Meeting Minutes of January 12, 2022
Members voted in favor to approve the minutes of the January meeting, with Andrea Hodson abstaining due to absence.
Town Meeting Schedule
The chair noted that for Town Meeting on Tuesday, March 8th, at Wells Memorial School, voting for elections will take place from 11:00 am to 8:00 pm. The School Board meeting will begin at 6:00 pm. The deliberative session of Town Meeting will begin at 7:00 pm.
Brooks Living Trust, 103 South Road, Minor Subdivision
Mr. Stone noted that administrative follow up on the approved subdivision entails receiving the final mylar and registry recording fees from Wendy Pelletier, followed by recording of the approved plat at the Registry of Deeds, which will be done by Pete Thayer.
The board then took up the following matter:
Randall Carmel, 132 Silver Road (Map 51 – Lot 28) – application for Conditional Use Permit for Accessory Dwelling Unit. The board discussed the process to date on the application, including confirmation with the recording secretary that abutters had been noticed.
Courtney Cox noted that, following review of the submitted materials and the checklist, she and Jon Miner found the submission to be complete and recommended that the board accept the application as such. Subsequently, Lisa Anderson moved to accept the Carmel application for a conditional use permit for a detached ADU as complete. Andrea Hodson seconded. By roll call, all voted in favor.
At 7:33 pm, Co-Chair Lisa Anderson opened the public hearing on the matter. Don Scott presented the property owner’s proposal to remove an existing garage and construct a detached, one bedroom accessory dwelling unit (ADU) on the parcel which sits on the eastern shore of Harrisville pond. The current structures on the parcel include a 1-bedroom cottage, a garage and a shed.
Mr. Scott took the board through the site plan, denoting the septic and well locations. He also exhibited photos of property and structures. The owners also propose a 330-square foot, wooden platform with tent for outdoor sleeping, which, by state standards, is not considered a sleeping area. The owners have received approval from DES for a Shoreland permit, and there will be no alteration to the shorefront. The tent platform will be just behind the 20’ setback line from the pond, and is under jurisdiction of DES rather than the Planning Board.
The proposed ADU will be located within the setback requirements, including the required 75’ setback from the pond, and is within ADU dimensional requirements of 1000 square feet. The existing septic system is adequate to handle an additional bedroom; however, the owner plans to install a new septic tank and line to the existing tank. DES has approved the proposed system. A new walkway between the cottage and ADU also is proposed. In addition, the property owner proposes to rebuild the existing driveway.
The architectural plans showed the existing footprint of 1BR cottage, with kitchen, living room and bath. The ADU also will have 1 bedroom and 1 bath. Mr. Scott confirmed that both structures will remain one story, with no loft bedrooms. The existing cottage, at 885-square feet, is smaller in dimension than the proposed ADU.
For impervious cover calculations on the .62-acre lot, existing conditions amount to an impervious cover percentage of 6.6%. The proposed conditions would bring this number to 11%. The Town allows a limit of 30% impervious cover.
PB members asked about the driveway, total number of bedrooms planned and about the tent and septic. They asked for a more specific plan denoting a description of all rooms within both structures, including the basement. The board also reviewed the ADU provisions under Article XXIX of the Harrisville Zoning Ordinances.
There were no abutters present and no additional questions from the board; however members considered that the following conditions could be required: 1) that the basement must remain utility and storage space and cannot be converted into living space; 2) identification of all rooms on the basement and living levels; and submission of details on elevations from the slab to the ceiling of the basement.
At 8:21 pm, Lisa Anderson closed the public hearing portion and the board began its deliberations. They discussed that the new structure would serve as an ADU and that the existing cottage, though smaller, is intended to remain the primary residence.
With no further discussion, Courtney Cox moved to approve the Conditional Use Permit for the Accessory Dwelling Unit for 32 Silver Road, Randall Carmel (Map 51 – Lot 28) with the following conditions: The basement area of the ADU must remain utility and/or storage space; 2) all rooms and areas for both structures must be identified on a plat; and 3) all interior and exterior height elevations must be provided. Andrea Hodson seconded. In a roll call vote, all voted in favor. The motion passed 5-0.
Don Scott, representing the applicant, will assemble the required information. As an aside, it was recommended that a definition of “Living Space” should be added to the zoning ordinances.
Master Plan ReView Steering Committee – update
Lisa Anderson noted that at this time there is no update other than the committee still plans to hold orientation with subgroups in the coming month.
2022 PB Budget
Ryan Stone confirmed the board’s budget was submitted last month. PB members discussed the line item for professional services, which they had proposed to decrease to $1500 (from $3,000 in 2021) but board members reconsidered the potential need to hold this line steady or even increase it if there is a need for artwork or additional support from Carol Ogilvie on the Master Plan project. Following discussion, they agreed to increase the number from $1,500 to $2,000 and will resubmit this to the Select Board for its second budget hearing on February 10.
2021 PB Submission for the Town Report
Lisa Anderson will email draft to all members. get any comments to co-chairs this week.
2022 Planning Board Musings
Lisa Anderson noted this is the time of year the board considers upcoming projects, in addition to land use application processing. The co-chairs asked the board to think about possible problematic areas or topics to focus on.
Wilderness Trail – Andrea Hodson noted that, following discussion with the Select Board, she will share with PB members feedback from NHMA attorney.
OSI Monthly Webinar Series – Planning lunches at noon (PLAN), every third Thursday of the month from noon to 1pm about various planning and zoning topics. OSIinfo@osi.nh.gov
Maryland Dept of Planning Webinar, February 18, 2022, National Models and Methods for Achieving Equitable Development (free)
NHMA Local Officials Hybrid Workshop, April 5, 2022, 9am – 4pm (free)
The board moved to adjourn at 9:30 pm.