Planning Board
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Meeting Minutes
The Harrisville Planning Board held a regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, December 8, 2021 at the town offices.
Members present: Ryan Stone, Jon Miner, Courtney Cox, Pete Thayer, Don Scott, Kathy
Scott, Alternate Select Board Representative, Ned Hulbert, Lisa Anderson, Kate Neary
Members absent: Andrea Hodson, Select Board Representative, and Noel Greiner
Members of the public: Howard Clark, Jr.
Attendance, Rules and Voting Members
Ryan Stone noted that the voting members for the evening were himself, Lisa Anderson, Ned Hulbert, Courtney Cox and Kathy Scott, Alternate Select Board Representative.
Approval of Agenda
Following agreement to move the Transportation Committee update to the January 2022 meeting, PB members voted in favor to approve the agenda.
Minutes of previous meeting: 11/10/21
Ned Hulbert moved to accept the minutes as drafted. Courtney Cox seconded . All voted in favor.
Reflection on Jay Jacobs
Co-Chair Ryan Stone invited PB members to reflect on the contributions of Jay Jacobs, who passed away November 18. Members and attendees shared thoughts on Mr. Jacobs’s service on several boards in town and especially on his contributions to the Planning Board in his early years in public service in Harrisville.
Transportation Committee – update
Moved to next month.
Minor Subdivision Application: Brooks Living Trust, 103 South Road (Map 40 – Lot 6): Receive application – The PB noted its receipt of the subdivision application submitted by Cardinal Surveying on behalf of Edwin and Virginia Brooks. Review of the application was assigned to Courtney Cox and Jon Miner, who will establish its level of completeness. Any additional information required will be asked of the applicant prior to the next PB meeting in January, with the possibility that adequate timing for noticing will allow for a public hearing that same evening.
ADU Permit Application – Heffron, Michelson, 58 Bancroft Road (Map 60 – Lot 64): update – The ADU, approved by the PB with conditions, is on hold while the property owners concentrate on construction of the main house. Condition of approval requires that the property owners provide a site plan indicating the size and location of existing wetlands in relation to the ADU location.
Conceptual Consultation Subdivision, Howard Clark, Jr., Hancock Road, Wilderness Trail (Map 20 – Lot 87) – Mr. Clark requested guidance from the PB on what would be required to update the driveway / Right-of-Way access off Wilderness Trail. The PB discussed setting up a site visit to help all members understand the current conditions and conceptual locations of two new lots currently part of the Clark’s 73-acre parcel.
The board then reviewed several documents, including RSA 674:411, which outlines PB jurisdiction over new roads as part of subdivision of land. Kathy Scott referred to the NHMA document prepared by Natch Greyes on development on private roads. Other documents included the Harrisville Driveway Regulations, section J, which refers to backlots and the discretion of PB, and Ch.7 of A Hard Road to Travel, on Roads, Streets and Land Use Planning.
One of the questions for the board is whether the current road meets the required technical standards. Members agreed a site visit would help with this as well as help form questions for the Road Agent, NHMA and town counsel.
Mr. Clark noted one family would likely build within one year if a subdivision were approved. He added that the road has been there for 40 years and that the Road Agent confirmed that, while it needs top-grading, it otherwise is in very good shape. Members agreed to meet for a site visit on Saturday, December 11, at 8:00 AM – followed by a 30-minute debrief at town offices. The board will ascertain next steps following the site visit.
Master Plan ReView Steering Committee. Lisa Anderson noted that, in January, the subcommittees on Education and Affordable housing will meet.
2022 Planning Board Budget – Finance Coordinator Amy Roberts sent out the PB’s year to date budget and the board’s anticipated expenses through year end. PB members reviewed the numbers and considered what might need to change for 2022. Mary Ann will check with Amy regarding workshop attendance and what has been charged (or not) against the PB budget. Carol Ogilvie still needs to submit professional services invoices. Ryan Stone will update the proposed budget information comes in, and will confirm with Lisa, and then will submit the proposed 2022 budget to the Finance Coordinator and Select Board.
NHMA’s 79th Annual Conference and Exhibition on 11/18 – Lisa Anderson attended. She has, and will share, contact/resource information for the Recycling Committee.
1/15/22 (NHMA) 2022 Legislative Preview: Raise Your Hometown Voices Webinar – noon to 1:00 pm
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.