Meeting Minutes of the Select Board

 Location:  Town offices Date:  November 4, 2021  
 Opened:    7:00 pm Adjourned:  9:00 pm  

Select Board Members:  Andrea Hodson, Jay Jacobs, Kathy Scott­­________________ __

: Peter Thayer, Pamela Thayer, Charles Faucher

Agenda, Minutes – The SB moved and voted in favor to approve the agenda and the minutes of the previous meeting.

Blood Hill Road – In addressing a question about the timetable for board action on Blood Hill, Chair Andrea Hodson explained it was a matter of due process. The public hearing on the matter is scheduled for Thursday, November 18, at 7:00 pm at town offices.

Skatutakee Road Right of Way – The board noted the Indemnity Contract related to the quitclaim deed is anticipated to be completed within the next two weeks.

Winter parking/snow removal ordinances – The SB noted it will post the winter parking ban and snow removal ordinances, effective December 1 through April 1. The ordinances read as follows:

Any person who shall put or place, or cause to be put or placed, any snow or ice upon the surface of the traveled portion of any road or town-maintained portion of any road for any purpose, except as provided under RSA 236:20, shall be guilty of a violation.

The provisions of this section shall not apply where snow or ice is pushed across the traveled surface of said roadway for the purpose of snow removal from land adjoining said road, as long as said snow and ice is completely removed from said roadway.

Anyone violating this ordinance shall be guilty of a violation and fined not less than $100.00, and the fine for subsequent offenses shall be $150.00.

Effective annually December 1 through April 15, in accordance with RSA 41:11 of the State of New Hampshire, notice is hereby given that any motor vehicle parked on the streets or public ways in the Town of Harrisville between the hours of 12:01 AM and 6:30 AM, or that interferes with snow removal operations at any time, will be towed at the owner’s risk and expense.

Old highway barn – The SB will meet with Jeff Cady at the Old Highway Barn prior to next Friday morning’s Select Board meeting to discuss options for repair work and heating.

Other business
The board will revisit longer term discussions including affordable housing and zoning regulations as they relate to this issue and will communicate with the Planning Board their hope that the PB make it a focus in the coming year.

The SB signed the 2021 property tax warrant, part two. Tax bills will go out Friday, November 5, and will be due December 10.

The SB signed the Pay warrant for $28,956.02.

The SB noted receipt of the Town Meeting calendar of due dates leading up to the 2022 Town Meeting.

SB has begun interviewing potential replacements for town counsel. The chair will schedule meeting times with prospective attorneys.

Upcoming: Select Board Public Hearing, Thursday, November 18, at 7:00 pm at town offices to consider the following: NH RSA CHAPTER 231:59-a Emergency Lanes. – The declaration of a portion of Blood Hill Road an Emergency Lane for the purposes of keeping such lane passable by emergency vehicles and for public welfare and safety.