Meeting Minutes of the Select Board
Location: | Town offices | Date: October 14, 2021 | ||
Opened: | 7:00 pm | Adjourned: 8:50 pm | ||
Select Board Members: Andrea Hodson, Jay Jacobs, Kathy Scott________________ ___
Attendees: Rick Stone, Ryan Stone, David O’Neil, Lisa Anderson
Agenda and minutes – The SB approved the agenda and the October 7th meeting minutes.
Blood Hill Road – Following receipt of a letter from the Select Board, Blood Hill Road abutters attended to dispute claims regarding the public right of way and their right to place rocks and plow stakes parallel to their stone wall along the edge of the road. The board disagreed and shared input from town counsel on the matter. Dick and Donna Stone submitted a response letter to the board requesting time to have their property resurveyed, after which they agreed to take the appropriate action according to the RSAs. They will inform the SB chair about the scheduled date of the survey. The SB noted it has copies of the current property deeds and will see what evolves from the survey.
Search for new town counsel – Andrea Hodson is scheduled to talk to attorneys with different areas of expertise and will report back to colleagues at the next meeting.
Dublin Road inquiry – Regarding a property owner’s request for a signed letter from the town confirming buildability of his lot, Lisa Anderson will draft a response for SB consideration.
Department and committee forum
– Old Highway Barn/Building safety – Andrea Hodson reported she met with Bill Waterston, who provided input on the old highway barn and heating requirements to preserve its structural integrity. The SB will heed the recommendation to box in the water tank for insulation and will reach out to the police chief to discuss further.
-Highway Barn – The office will follow up with Consolidated on the broadband connection and with the Road Agent on computer needs; separately, the SB will ask the Road Agent for input on the Morton Salt quote and the two products offered.
Other business
-Halloween – The SB will discuss Halloween Trick or Treating and will post the confirmed day/time following input from the Police Chief.
-The SB noted reimbursement from Health Trust SB moved to reimburse full-time employees July 2020 to June 2021; separately SB noted the rate increases anticipated for 2022-23.
-SB acknowledged receipt of the invitation to SWRPC’s annual dinner. Mr. Jacobs will attend in his capacity as an SWRPC board member.
-SB priority list – The Chair recommended discussion of budget planning for surveys of all roads and bridges.
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