Meeting Minutes of the Select Board
Location: | Town offices | Date: September 2, 2021 | ||
Opened: | 7:00 pm | Adjourned: 9:05 pm | ||
Select Board: Andrea Hodson, Kathy Scott, Jay Jacobs____________________
Attendees: Dick Stone, Donna Stone, John Rapsis, Emergency Management Director Jeff Cady, Moderator Bryan Kingsbury, and Ned Hulbert for the Electric Aggregation Committee
Agenda – The SB approved the agenda as written.
Minutes of August 27 Meeting – The board approved the meeting minutes as submitted.
Class VI Maintenance – Akhil Garland summarized his request to the Select Board for permission to maintain all Class VI roads abutting or criss-crossing his property for the duration of time of ownership, resources permitting. The board considered whether sections of Clymers Drive and Bancroft Road, where the Garlands are not abutters, should be included. Mr. Garland spoke to the need for access and egress from all points leading to their land.
John Rapsis, property owner along “Rocky Ridge”, north of Cobb Hill near Nubanusit, opposed any improvement or alteration to Rocky Ridge, which, though public, remains undisturbed. Mr. Garland confirmed he was not seeking permission to maintain Rocky Ridge Road.
Following further discussion, the board voted unanimously to grant permission to Mr. Garland for routine maintenance of Blood Hill, Cobb Hill, and sections of Clymers Drive and Bancroft Road, for an indefinite period of time, stating they would make the agreed-upon amendments to Mr. Garland’s application. Chair Andrea Hodson noted the board would also move ahead on a plan for maintenance approvals for the town’s other Class VI roads.
Prospect Street culvert repair –The board heard Dick and Donna Stone’s request for culvert repair and ditch cleaning at the top of Prospect Street. The board agreed the culvert needs repair and reaffirmed the town’s intent to take care of both issues to manage the runoff before winter.
Electric Aggregation Committee update
Ned Hulbert shared with the SB three recommendations of the committee:
- Joint Power Agreement – The committee requested the SB’s acceptance of the updated, copy-edited version of the Joint Power Agreement, so the document can be sent to the Community Power Coalition of NH (CPCNH) prior to its official incorporation on October Ist. Jay Jacobs moved to accept the referenced changes to the document and which the committee has approved to be the final version of Joint Powers Agreement. Kathy Scott seconded. All voted in favor.
- CPCNH Board position recommendations – The EAC, as signatories to the JPA, would like to recommend nomination of Andrea Hodson as a director and Andrew Maneval as an alternate. The SB discussed the anticipated time commitment, which the EAC anticipates will not be excessive. Kathy Scott subsequently moved to appoint Andrea Hodson and Andrew Maneval as Director and Alternate, respectively, on the board of the CPCNH. Jay Jacobs seconded. All voted in favor.
- EAC membership appointment terms – The EAC recommends 3-year appointments. Current members include Katie Hamon, John Knight, Sherry Sims, Andrew Maneval, Andrea Hodson and Ned Hulbert. Kathy Scott recommended staggering terms. The SB and Mr. Hulbert agreed.
Separately, Mr. Hulbert noted that eleven towns and one county have joined the coalition. Twenty-four additional towns are in the beginning stages of community power initiatives. The Governor has signed HB 315, opening the way for the PUC to begin its rulemaking.
The SB reviewed the summary of safety audits at all town facilities, prepared by Jeff Cady, and discussed recommended changes or improvements. The SB noted that the state drives the process, not our insurance company. Mr. Cady will proceed with the window replacement project at the Fire Department.
Fuel supply proposals – The SB reviewed quotes obtained by the Finance Coordinator. Andrea Hodson will review these further with Amy Roberts and request additional information from fuel providers.
Correspondence and other business
Highway staffing – The board will continue discussions with the Road Agent to fill the vacancy.
The SB signed the MS – 1, Summary of Inventory Valuations, and MS-434, Revised Estimated Revenues for submission to the DRA.
The SB signed the quarterly maintenance contract with WB Mason for the office copier.