Meeting Minutes of the Select Board
Location: | Town offices | Date: July 30, 2021 | ||
Opened: | 9:00 am | Adjourned: 12:05 pm | ||
Select Board Present: Andrea Hodson, Jay Jacobs Absent: Kathy Scott______________
Attendees: Police Chief Mike Tollett, Emergency Management Director Jeff Cady, Dick Stone, Donna Stone, Anne Howe, Sarah Kendall, Ryan Stone
Agenda and minutes– Jay Jacobs moved to approve the agenda and the minutes of the July 15. Members voted in favor.
Police Department
Noise bylaw – Police Chief Tollett stated that, after much research, at this time he recommends the board take no action on a new noise bylaw for the town. He doesn’t see a need now given the level of activity in town and the occurrence of fireworks a couple of times per year. Jay Jacobs noted that any ordinance needs to be practical and enforceable and that, without more stringent state regulation of fireworks, he agrees it doesn’t make sense now. It was recommended that townspeople who support an ordinance speak to the Police Chief directly. He will continue to gather information on the matter. Andrea Hodson noted her commitment to making sure safety and enjoyment of surroundings is preserved. The question of environmental impact from fireworks materials also was asked to be considered.
Weekend traffic – Separately the Police Chief noted there no complaints about parking or traffic from recent weekends and he has observed nothing out of the ordinary.
Solar speed limit sign – The solar speed radar sign on Route 137 near Hancock Road intersection will be functional today. Chief Tollett confirmed the sign captures an immense amount of information and is a good tool for speed enforcement and safety. The SB briefly discussed with the chief the idea of cameras on speed signs, and would like to raise the idea with Senator Jay Kahn and encourage him to sponsor legislation authorizing such technology.
Roads – Class VI Road Maintenance. Attendees reviewed the updated draft authorization form for maintenance on Class VI roads. Ryan Stone asked about process. The Planning Board may want to consider this topic at some point. Upon a request to the SB from a property owner to maintain a Class VI, the SB and Road Agent would evaluate. Part of the application form includes abutter notification that such a request has been filed. Dick Stone then asked about the timeframe for culvert replacement at the intersection of Prospect Street and Blood Hill. The SB will notify the Stones when the work is scheduled with the highway crew.
As for bonding for Class VI road maintenance, the SB will have the discretion.
Following discussion, the SB moved to approve the application form as a template for all Class VI road maintenance requests. Separately, Ms. Hodson noted she will share Acworth’s language as an FYI, as they have many Class VI roads. The form will now go to Akhil Garland to be filled out and submitted. Donna Stone asked about process for notifying abutters if a new culvert being installed. The board noted, for work that is above and beyond routine maintenance, a separate request must be submitted and abutters will be notified.
Andrea Hodson moved to defer Skatutakee Lake ROW topic to the next SB meeting.
Funding Opportunities – American Recovery Act / Local Recovery Fund Program – Harrisville is eligible to apply for $99,560 in local recovery funding through the American Recovery Act as part of the $112 million available to NH cities and towns. The town must apply by August 18 and annual reporting to the US Treasury is required. The town has until 2024 to commit to targeted projects. The town also could decline the funds and return them to the state for allocation to other towns. The plan includes 5 categories of eligible uses – public health (covid-related); negative economic impacts (covid-related – e.g., assistance to households, economic relief), lost public sector revenue as of end of 2020 (revenue lost to town; also includes maintenance costs for bldgs., cybersecurity, roads), premium for essential workers (extra $13/hour for direct work with public), and infrastructure projects (water and sewer, and broadband). Following discussion, the SB moved and voted in favor to apply for eligibility. By 12/31/2024 the town must come up with how it plans to obligate the funds and, by the end of 2026, how funds are being spent. Amy Roberts will check with her GOFERR contacts regarding where potential needs fall within eligible projects and connect with Jeff Cady on next steps.
Police, Fire, Emergency Management and Highway have proposed a project for enhanced communications in town (attached). At a future meeting, the SB will discuss how to organize and move forward eligible projects.
Cheshire County Flooding – Jeff Cady asked the SB to submit a survey form to the state regarding road damage and related costs from the July 17-18 rain event. The state will assess forms submitted from all towns. Mr. Jacobs questioned whether this was worthwhile in light of time and paperwork involved for minimal damage in Harrisville compared to other towns. Mr. Cady noted allocation is based on a threshold met by the county. The board and Mr. Cady will consult with the Road Agent regarding amount of material used and the estimated cost for this and time involved in repairs. Mr. Cady will check with the state regarding status of surveys submitted by other towns. He also recommends documenting and photographing the amount, location and cost of damage for this and future events.
The SB signed the pay warrants in the amount of $98,958.64 and $10,020.67, and the payroll warrant in the amount of $25,307.10. The board noted that the Mason Road reclamation came in under budget and the Hancock Road chip seal over budget. These expenses need to be reconciled against the budget and approved amounts per the 2021 Warrant Article.
Building maintenance – The SB will work with Jeff Cady, with input from the highway and police departments, to ascertain future heating needs and uses for the old highway barn.
Harrisville Pond Association – Following input from the Beach Committee, the SB approved the request of the HPA to hang a small banner at the beach in honor of the association’s 40thyear and to raise awareness of Harrisville Pond Association and its mission. The banner may remain until Labor Day.
Historic District Commission – Anne Howe attended to discuss the HDC’s approval of its updated regulations and the process for obtaining review by town counsel, as well as for holding a public hearing. Anne Howe shared with the SB the steps in the process that she proposes for adopting the updated regulations. The SB recommends that Mr. Little review the draft regulations prior to the public hearing. Anne Howe also will ask town counsel if it’s permissible to have the public hearing at town hall. The HDC will embark on public outreach as part of the adoption process.
Tax Collector – The board discussed with the tax collector the Deed Notices for four parcels. Waivers have to be signed by August 20.
The SB signed the Application for Current Use for Bonds Corner Road.