Meeting Minutes of the Select Board

 Location:  Town offices Date:  June 10, 2021
 Opened:    7:00 pm Adjourned: 9:05 pm

Select Board Members: Kathy Scott and Andrea Hodson _Absent: Jay Jacobs__________

Attendees: Barbara Watkins, David Belknap, Ben Dexter

The SB approved the agenda as drafted.

Document review
Town employees – The SB signed a letter to eligible employees hired prior to April 1, 2020 notifying them of 1.8% cost of living adjustment (COLA) in salary.

SB Minutes – The board moved to approve the May 28 SB Meeting Minutes as amended to clarify the section on town meeting follow up items. Subsequently, the board moved to approve the SB Minutes of June 3 with the following amendment: With the end of the state of emergency, the finance coordinator will follow up on GOFERR and CARES Act fund information that may affect the town budget. Andrea Hodson will follow up with Amy Roberts.

SB voted to renew Advanced Life Support agreement with the City of Keene for supplemental ambulance service.

The board signed the Timber Tax Yield for Map – and the supplemental tax warrant for corrected tax bills for Map .

Post State of Emergency Protocols
With the Governor’s announcement that the State of Emergency will end midnight Friday, the board discussed guidelines moving forward for mask and social distancing and whether and how to maintain Zoom as an option for attendees concerned about gathering at town offices.

Health Officer David Belknap and Emergency Management Director Jeff Cady stated they jointly support the current guidelines, which recommend masks indoors for those who aren’t vaccinated. They do recommend continuing to maintain a lower than legally allowed occupancy in the conference room for the near future and maintaining 6-foot social distancing during meetings. Subsequently, the board moved and voted in favor to accept the recommendation of the Health Officer and EMD and will post the recommendation on the website and at the post office. Zoom will remain available as an option for remote attendance; however, per RSA 91:2,B, at least a quorum of board and committee members must attend in person at the public meeting location.

Building maintenance
Mr. Cady will continue to gather estimates for mini-split unit for town offices but there is no budget allocation at this point.

Highway Department job opening
The Road Agent and SB have reviewed the submitted applications. Subsequent to receipt of additional information, the Board is considering extending an offer to the candidate recommended by the Road Agent.

Silver Lake Boat Ramp
The SB has requested that the Silver Lake advisory group change its name to clarify that they are not a board-appointed committee but a self-formed citizens group. Barbara Watkins will suggest Silver Lake Boat Ramp Research Group to fellow committee members and let the board know the outcome.

Kathy Scott noted that the refurbished lights are back from Steve Zalimas. Regarding the lamp for the beach, Mr. Zalimas recommends a certain type with a bulb cage, which could be appropriate for that location for safety reasons. The LED bulb that the Streetlight Committee had first sourced for possible use in the refurbished heads is no longer being manufactured; others are being tested. The committee is told an LED bulb is expected to come on the market imminently.

Scenic roads
The Planning Board has tasked two of its members to research the establishment of the town’s scenic roads and any conditions set forth at the time of the designations.