Meeting Minutes of the Select Board

 Location:  Town offices Date:  June 3, 2021
 Opened:    7:00 pm Adjourned: 9:05 pm


Select Board Members:  Jay Jacobs, Kathy Scott, Andrea Hodson __________________

Attendees: Jeff Cady, Ben Dexter

Agenda– The SB approved the agenda with two additions: discussion of the imminent end of the state of emergency and any new protocols, and the start of road projects .

Stoney Beach Advisory Group– Kathy Scott relayed the NHMA attorneys’ read of the SB’s meeting minutes as to whether the board appointed the Silver Lake citizens committee or whether the committee was self-appointed. The difference, she noted, is how the committee would interact with, and their ability to access, other town officials and committees, as well as the requirements, as a board-appointed committee and agent of the Select Board, that they would need to follow under the Right to Know Law for public information. The decision is up to the Select Board.

Andrea Hodson stated she understands the committee has formed itself to examine the parking issue, which may or may not include recommending a warrant article to bring to vote at Town Meeting 2022. Following discussion, the SB confirmed that this not a board-appointed committee and will request that the Stoney Beach Advisory Group rename their committee to avoid confusion or perception that this is an official committee of the board. The SB looks forward to hearing what the committee comes up with.

Building Maintenance– Jeff Cady reviewed the status of the maintenance budget with the board and further discussed repairs under way at the Old Highway garage. Swanzey Oil will get back to the town with an estimate to replace the oil tank, after which the board will determine if replacing it makes sense.  The board discussed near and long term, real and potential, needs for the old building and options to keep water and heat available, even if only in a portion of the building. Mr. Cady will talk to the plumber and Road Agent about water supply and will talk to Russ Downing about heating options.

For the Police Department, Mr. Cady requested to go ahead with chimney rebuild as planned. The board also would like to explore the existing well across from the barn and PD and get a comprehensive water test. Mr. Cady will pursue this.

At the highway barn, he noted that an electrical panel to support a portable generator at would cost roughly 1,000. Another option discussed is a transfer switch or gen-tran. The SB approved going ahead with the best option.

For the town offices, Jeff Cady and Andrea Hodson will pursue additional quotes for a heating/AC unit.. Mr. Cady will get a quote for the fire department window as well as for a waste oil pump to empty drums.

Post-State of Emergency protocols
The SB would like to talk to committee heads about continuing zoom or not and will reach out to them. Kathy Scott will explore relevant information from NHMA and the governor’s office, and how it affects communications and budget planning.

Document review
The SB signed the Community Power letter to the PUC.

The SB signed the pay warrant in the amount of $8,952.26.

The SB signed the deed for Map 20-Lot 83 transferring the Wilderness Trail property to Lance Levesque per the Warrant Article passed at Town Meeting 2006. Mr. Levesque will proceed to the Planning Board with his application for a Voluntary Merger per the conditions set forth in the Warrant Article, which include no future subdivision.

Road project update
The chip sealing of Hancock Road started today.