Meeting Minutes of the Select Board

 Location:  town offices Date:  May 13, 2021  
 Opened:    7:00 pm Adjourned: 9:20 pm  

Select Board Members:  Jay Jacobs, Kathy Scott, Andrea Hodson ________________

 Members of the public: Barbara Watkins; Ben Dexter

Document review
The SB signed the 2021 First Half Tax Warrant. Bill notices will go out in the coming week and will be payable by July 1, 2021.

The SB approved and signed the Meeting Minutes of May 6.

Committee updates
Conservation Commission – Kathy Scott noted the HCC remains interested in its idea of an ambassador program to assist the Recycling Committee.

Recycling Center Committee – The committee will schedule a kickoff meeting in the coming weeks.

Trails Committee – Barbara Watkins noted the trails committee is working on the Aldworth Manor Trail and has permission from a property owner to repair rutted sections. Mike Davidson has volunteered to do the repair work but needs gravel. SB believes some material would be available if a volunteer, or possibly Mr. Davidson, is willing to oversee the work and take care of transporting the gravel. The board also hopes the parking area off Brown Road could be treated, as well as a section of the rail trail.

Police Department
The Police Chief met with the board to request reallocation of existing budget funds to other lines within the PD budget to cover a shortfall. The SB supported the recommendation and voted in favor. Separately, the Police Chief explained the need for a 2ndpolice cruiser. He and the board discussed the possibility of proposing a budget amendment on the floor at Town Meeting to fund the police equipment capital reserve fund in 2021, followed in 2022 by the submission of a warrant article for vote at 2022 Town Meeting for the possible purchase.

Change in Covid Guidelines / Town Meeting
The EMD discussed with the board the new CDC guidelines that relax mask wearing for vaccinated people, except in certain situations, such as on planes or buses or in a hospital. The EMD recommended the board set guidelines for Town Meeting but believes people can self-police. The board discussed different logistical options and will meet Friday, May 21, to finalize plans.

Other business
-Wilderness Trail – The office will contact Lance Levesque regarding the voluntary merger application process and deed for the town-owned parcel on Wilderness Trail.

-Andrea Hodson will draft a job description for the Finance Coordinator position for board review.

-Blood Hill Road – The board will contact town counsel to set up a meeting.