Planning Board
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Meeting Minutes
The Harrisville Planning Board held a regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at the town offices.
Members present: Ryan Stone, Lisa Anderson, Jon Miner, Don Scott, Andrea Hodson, Kate Neary, Ned Hulbert, Courtney Cox
Members absent: Peter Thayer, Noel Greiner
Members of the public: Mary Day Mordecai, Earl Horn
Voting members
Ryan Stone stated the voting members for the evening include himself, Lisa Anderson, Andrea Hodson, Courtney Cox and Ned Hulbert.
Following a request to add the Transportation Committee as the first item, members moved and voted unanimously in favor to approve the agenda as modified.
Minutes of previous meeting 4/14
Co-Chair Lisa Anderson requested that the section of the minutes related to the Class VI road discussion with town counsel be clarified and elaborated on. Members discussed the extent of detail required in meeting minutes and the purpose of minutes in general. Following discussion, it was agreed the recording secretary will revisit the relevant passages to ensure the minutes accurately reflect the input from town counsel. Lisa Anderson moved to hold off on accepting the minutes until this review is undertaken. Andrea Hodson seconded. All voted in favor, with Ryan Stone abstaining. Members had no further comments or amendments.
Following Don Scott’s suggestion that the PB develop its own one page fact sheet on Class VI roads, Courtney Cox offered to share Hancock’s one-pager on this subject for all to review.
Town Meeting
The Co-Chairs reminded members that Town Meeting is Saturday, May 22, at 9:00 am, outdoors at Wells Memorial.
Transportation Committee
Mary Day Mordecai updated members on the MAST grant funds for the installation of two radars in the center of the village on Main Street and on Route 137 near the intersection of Hancock Road. Because of problems with adequate access to solar power at the initial locations chosen, the DOT worked with committee to identify new locations for both signs. Solar will still be possible for the Route 137 sign, but the Main Street radar sign will be powered by electricity from a new location near the red barn. The committee submitted an addendum to the grant application to SWRPC, as the grant conditions require. Ms. Mordecai also noted that speed studies must be done at the two locations for a duration of 5-6 days, one study before radar sign installation and another following installation. The Transportation Committee will need to coordinate with the Highway Department on the installations.
Subsequently, Earl Horn provided an update on the printing of the trail maps and production of trail signage. A portion of the MAST grant went to these projects. Mr. Horn noted the signs are 90% complete, with the signage for hiking trail parking and signs to denote private property still in the works. Copies of the trail maps will be available at the library and at town hall, as well as to the local wedding venues at cost, but not otherwise distributed given concerns about trail overuse. The maps are copyrighted.
The Transportation Committee also noted that the establishment of the school safety zone has been on hold, according to the principal, due to priorities related to the pandemic.
Regarding posting of trails committee information on the website, the Trails and Transportation Committees will discuss this and report back to the PB with its recommendations. The committees are focused on the safety of residents and visitors as well as the privacy protection of property owners.
Master Plan Visualized
Carol Ogilvie and Lisa Anderson have spoken, but nothing is drafted yet. Kate Neary has expressed interest in joining the effort. The Co-Chairs hope to move on this.
Electric Aggregation Committee/Community Power
The EAC is preparing for its warrant article presentation. Both the warrant article and the proposed plan appear in the back of the Town Report. Andrea Hodson and Ned Hulbert provided an update on HB 315, now in the Senate and being monitored closely by the committee. Mr. Hulbert stated that the CPCNH, the Community Power Coalition of NH, has several municipalities on board, including Nashua, Newmarket, Hanover and Lebanon. Several other NH communities also have community power initiatives under way. Should the warrant article pass at town meeting, authorizing the Select Board to choose a vendor, CPCNH would be one of the choices.
Ms. Hodson and Mr. Hulbert asked PB members to share their views of the proposal. Some offered full support for the opportunity for a choice of energy suppliers and for renewable energy sources. Others either preferred not to comment or noted continued deliberation on particular proposal elements. There was widespread gratitude for the tremendous research, time and effort put forth by the EAC in developing the proposed plan for consideration by the townspeople.
Silver Lake Boat/Beach Parking
Andrea Hodson notes that the SB deferred decision to move forward at this time with a parking plan and that the Stoney Beach Advisory Committee, consisting of six citizens, will assess and monitor activity this summer and offer recommendations to the SB this fall in advance of any proposal for Town Meeting 2022. Committee comprised of Pam Wilder, Mike Wilder, Pete Thayer, George Colony and Barbara Watkins and Julia Pakradooni. Planning Board members discussed potential input of the PB or PB committees in the process, whether it makes sense and when or how best to participate in the process despite SB authority to regulate parking in town. Ms. Hodson noted the advisory committee was encouraged to contact the police chief, and other boards and committees. Following discussion, members determined the advisory committee could approach the PB as and when needed for input.
Separately, Andrea Hodson stated the SB hopes to hear from all board and committee chairs, possibly at one of the upcoming Friday SB administrative meeting, to check in with each other. One potential topic is ongoing use of zoom for board and committee business.
Potential Joint Meeting
The PB co-chairs encouraged members to review the OSI’s Joint Meeting procedures in the event one is upcoming between the PB and ZBA. The procedures for working with other boards and organizations are outlined in the OSI manual (March 2021) on page 87.
Recording of mylar request for Map 50 – Lot 5-1, 59 Prospect Street
The PB will await submission of a mylar, after which Courtney Cox will review it, along with the file of a related subdivision, approved by the PB in 1987.
Education opportunities
Upcoming webinars include: OSI Spring 2021 planning and zoning conference, 5/15 9-noon (free); NHMA Local Officials Workshops 5/18/2021, 9-4pm (free); and NHMA Intersect; VHB’s Innovative Platform for Developing Traffic Volume, 5/19.