Harrisville Conservation Commission
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Meeting Minutes
The Harrisville Conservation Commission held a regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, May 5, 2021 at town offices and via zoom.
Members present: Harry Wolhandler, Don Scott, Kathy Scott, Les LaMois, Earl Horn, Diana Shonk
Members of the public: Winston Sims
Agenda and Minutes of previous meeting – Kathy Scott moved to approve the agenda as amended. All voted in favor. Subsequently, Earl Horn moved to approved the minutes of the April meeting. Les LaMois seconded. All voted in favor.
Antioch intern recruitment– The chair has reached out to the school’s intern coordinator, Sarah Bakkus, to discuss potential intern participation in the trail signage project. Members anticipate that the start of the summer or fall semester could open up possibilities.
Rain Garden signage– Harry Wolhandler and Diana Shonk met to discuss content and noted they still plan to go to Silver Direct and get aluminum plate signs. HCC members shared suggestions for content and layout.
Salamander brigades– Kathy Scott noted that brigade volunteers continue to help with crossing, weather depending.
Earth Day Roadside Cleanup– The Chair expressed great thanks to HCC members for the successful coordination of the roadside cleanup and great thanks to all community members who volunteered. All roads but one were adopted. In response, the HCC plans another Ice Cream Social, scheduled for June 26 from 12-2 pm at the beach on Harrisville Pond. The rain date will be Sunday, June 27. Diana Shonk will print posters.
Recycle Center Ambassadors– Kathy Scott provided an update of the SB’s oversight of the Recycle Center Committee and encouraged the HCC to consider how frequent a presence it anticipates a need for, as well as the tasks HCC members who serve as ambassadors anticipate assisting with. She noted the DES requirements for anyone handling trash and recyclables, adding they are to assist town employees not replace them. Also the town employee must train the ambassadors. All believe the most helpful assistance will be through educating residents about what can and can’t be recycled and also the loss to the town when improperly cleaned or disposed of items are tossed in a bin. All shared suggestions for signage with helpful images/photos to instruct visitors to the facility, as well as the idea of a barrel on the platforms to capture items that can’t go in the bins.
Another possible contribution of RC ambassadors could be the return of the ‘free” table at the RC for item exchange.
Discussion again turned to the importance of encouraging people to clean and sort before coming to the facility. Following this, the chair also encouraged the RC committee to establish parking spaces and lanes to control traffic flow. The Recycling Committee will discuss this. The HCC will continue the discussion at its next meeting.
Reports from other town boards/committees
SB – Kathy Scott noted a citizens committee will observe Silver Lake happenings this summer and make an advisory recommendation to the Select Board this fall
PB – The board approved a lot-line adjustment for a property fronting Silver Lake.
ZBA – The ZBA granted two special exceptions based on the new wetlands ordinances passed in March as well as on the amended setback requirement for accessory structures in the residential/agricultural district.
HDC – The Historic District Commission subcommittee nears completion of its work on updating HDC regulations.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.