Notice is hereby given that the Harrisville Planning Board will hold its regular monthly meeting at the town office building located on Chesham Road commencing at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, April 14, 2021.  Meetings may be rescheduled by the Board due to weather conditions deemed dangerous to public safety.

For remote access, click here

Meeting ID: 812 7888 7689

Dial in: 646-558-8656


-Attendance, Roles and Voting Members

-Approval of Agenda

-Minutes of previous meetings: 3/10/21

-Application for Lot-Line Adjustment (CONTINUED), Gordon and Virginia Snyder, 18 Blackberry Lane (Map 70 – Lots 15 and 16)

-Planning Board Follow-up to Lot-Line Adjustment Application (sign & process)

-7:30 Primer on Class VI Roads (Attorney Silas Little)

-Master Plan Visualized (Carol O & Lisa A) : general review & group composition

-Electric Aggregate Committee (EAC) – Update

-PB Annual Business:

– Vote for Co-Chairs or Chair/Vice-Chair and Secretary

– Confirmation of Recording Secretary

-Review of Silver Lake Boat/Beach Parking

-Take-away points from Education attended: “Working of a Planning Board” (Kate N, Lisa A)


Webinar: NHMA: Local Officials Workshops 5/18/21 at 9am – 4pm Free (5/Town)

Webinar “ZBA Basics” 4/13/21 at noon-2pm

Webinar: NHMA: Right-to-Know Law and Public Meetings and Governmental Records

Virtual Workshop 4/15/21 1:30-3:30pm $40

Webinar: Plan NH: Pop-ups 101 with Rebecca Stone 4/15/21 9am   $10/$15

Webinar:Smart Growth:New Approach to Parks & Recreation System Planning 4/16 free

Webinar: NHMA: 2021 Hard Road to Travel 5/6/21 9:00-12:30pm $55

Webinar: NH OSI: Spring 2021 PB/Zoning Conference 5/15/21 9-noon  Free

-New  Business:

The board may enter into non-public session based on RSA 91A:3II (a-l).

Posted by: Lisa Anderson, Co-Chair
Date Posted: April 12, 2021