Meeting Minutes of the Select Board

 Location:  Town offices Date:  March 31, 2021  
 Opened:    7:00 pm Adjourned: 9:30 pm  

Select Board Members:  Jay Jacobs, Kathy Scott, Andrea Hodson _____________________________

 Attendees: Ted Braun; Jeff Cady, Don Scott, Barbara Watkins, George Colony, Ned Hulbert, Julia Pakradooni, John Newcombe, Les LaMois

EMD / Buildings update – Jeff Cady reviewed current and proposed maintenance/safety projects for the Police Department building. The SB supports Mr. Cady’s plan and timeline.  Mr. Cady also is awaiting an estimate from Keating for a heating/AC unit in the town offices. The SB  approved Swanzey Oil’s proposal to repair the blower motor in the old highway barn for $711, but agreed with Mr. Cady that this can wait until late May.

Regarding the updating of the Emergency Operations Plan, Mr. Cady noted this will involve no out of pocket cost to the town, other than time of emergency services personnel, and these wages are reimbursed by the state at a set fee.

The Hazard Mitigation Plan, Mr. Cady noted, also needs updating. He recommends the town put in for funding this year (a FEMA grant would come through in 2022). Jay Jacobs disagreed that a grant is “free money” and questioned the need to involve other agencies to update the plan. He believes the update can be done by the town itself. No formal decision made.

Mr. Cady will consider what may be needed for resumption of theJoint/Loss Committeemeetings this year.

Electric Aggregation Committee– Ned Hulbert and Andrea Hodson summarized the EAC’s recent review of the Community Power Coalition of NH Joint Powers Agreement. Should the Community Power Warrant Article and Plan pass at Town Meeting, CPCNH would be one of three vendors the town would consider. The EAC supports signing the Joint Powers Agreement and signing on for the Level 1 membership tier. This membership would be at no-cost to the town and no financial commitment and would provide access to technical expertise and policy-shaping input from state-level experts. The EAC submitted copies of the agreement for the SB to review. Discussion to continue in mid-April. Also, the EAC will look for a new member as Mr. Gline had to roll off.

Silver Lake Parking– The public hearing on a parking plan has been noticed and scheduled for April 8 at 7:30 pm. The board discussed a plan implementation checklist, which will be acted on pending the outcome of the hearing. The implementation plan would include signage (including for tandem spots and single vehicle only as needed in parking lot area), communication with DOT, wording on signs, legal review of language, coordinating with Road Agent for any needed signs for town roads and coordinating with Police Chief. Andrea Hodson stated she believes the SB has agreed that something needs to be done.

George Colony noted his concern that the state will object to the plan if there are not enough spots for trailers. Discussion ensued as to required space length for tandems (40 feet) and which parking locations should be tandem only. Consensus following discussion and review of the draft plan is that all of the north side of Breed Road should be designated for tandems. This would allow for 16 tandems and 16 vehicle-only space, with 1 official tandem spot for Marine Patrol. Mr. Colony offered to check what private property owners can post. The SB will get legal input as well.

The board then discussed logistics of public hearing, in light of covid and space limitations for in-person attendance, and the format. The fire station may be needed to accommodate more attendees. The board asks attendees to please rsvp and to participate via zoom if possible.

Budget update
– The board noted that a warrant article is needed to establish a revenue account line, so that revenue that the Police Department brings in can go toward PD activities and the PD budget. This could be proposed next year.

Highway staffing– Mr. Jacobs will talk to the Road Agent about staffing needs.

SB signed the Timber Tax Yield for Greiner and the Intent to Excavate for Hillsboro Aggregates.

The next meeting of the SB is Thursday, April 8, when a public hearing on Silver Lake parking will be held.  The public hearing will begin at 7:30 pm.