Meeting Minutes of the Select Board
Location: | Town offices | Date: March 16, 2021 | ||
Opened: | 9:00 am | Adjourned: 10:00 am | ||
Select Board Members: Jay Jacobs, Kathy Scott, Andrea Hodson
Attendees: Jeff Cady, Lynn Cook
Election of Select Board Chair
Following discussion of the naming of a new Chair, required by RSA following every town election, Kathy Scott moved to appoint Andrea Hodson as Select Board Chair for the coming year, Jay Jacobs seconded. All voted in favor.
Silver Lake
– The board held a preliminary discussion to outline a timeline for plan development for Silver Lake congestion, particularly parking along Breed Road and roads adjacent to lake, in light of increasing numbers of visitors. The board will meet with representatives of the Silver Lake Association and Stoney Beach Committee at its March 18 meeting to collectively define the problem, review the areas of oversight allowed by the town and outline solutions. The goal is, by the end of April, to agree on potential solutions and a plan to implement them.
The board reviewed and signed elderly exemption applications for two taxpayers.
The board signed the pay warrants in the amount of $2,767.36 and $135,925.58.
Meeting Minutes
The board approved the minutes of March 4 continued to March 9 and of February 26.
Police Department
Newly hired Police Chief Mike Tollett met briefly with the board, was introduced to the Emergency Management Director, Jeff Cady, and received a copy of the board and committee schedules to meet other town officials and employees as schedules allow. The board issued a warm welcome to Chief Tollett this week and looks forward to working with him.