Meeting Minutes of the Select Board
Location: | Town offices | Date: February 26, 2021 | ||
Opened: | 9:00 am | Adjourned: 11:45 am | ||
Select Board Members: Jay Jacobs, Kathy Scott, Andrea Hodson
Attendees: Don Scott, Earl Horn, Barbara Watkins
Building Maintenance/Emergency Management
Jeff Cady reviewed building maintenance projects with the board, including proceeding with securing an estimate for an A/C wall unit in town offices, and replacing the front window at the Fire Department. Separately, Mr. Cady recommended, based on the letter from SWRPC, that the board update its Emergency operations plan. He will reach out to SWRPC for input on moving ahead. An update to the EOP is required every 5 years.The board endorsed Mr. Cady’s recommendations.
Trails Committee
Earl Horn and Barbara Watkins requested support from the board to locate parking signs at certain trail head locations, including across from the police station on Skatutakee Road for the rail trail, on Brown Road for this same trail, as well as off Hancock Road for the Eastview rail trail. The board will confer with the Road Agent and Police Chief to ascertain their needs for equipment and operations, and get back to the Trails Committee by Monday. Separately, Mr. Horn and Ms. Watkins requested that the Highway Department add material to the parking area along Brown Road to mitigate muddy conditions in late winter/spring. The board also will raise this with the Road Agent and get back to the committee.
Pay warrant – The SB signed the pay warrant in the amount of 239,244.04, $224,000 of which is the second installment to Consolidated Communications, as outlined in the Master Service Agreement, at 50% completion of the Broadband/Fiber buildout, which has been achieved.
MDS Contract – The board reviewed the final contract for service by Monadnock Disposal and subsequently moved and voted unanimously in favor to approve and sign the three-year contract.
Police Department
The board discussed its plan for extending a pre-offer to the top candidate for police chief. If the conditions of the pre-offer are accepted, a background check will follow. A letter with proposed terms as agreed by the board will be drafted to the candidate and sent to town counsel for review.
The board will set up the voting booths at Wells Memorial School on the morning of Tuesday, March 9. Polls open at 11:00 am and will remain open until 8:00 pm.
Recycle Center
The board noted it would like to address long term plans for improving efficiency at the RC and for environmentally-sensible disposal of recyclables and garbage and will work toward establishing a committee to develop and execute a plan.