HCC Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Meeting Minutes

Present:Harry Wolhandler, Earl Horn, Winston Sims, Diana Shonk, Les Lamois, Andrea Polizos, Don and Kathy Scott

 Agenda & Minutes – Review / approve

Motion to accept the minutes by Andrea Polizos; seconded by Earl Horn; Unanimously Approved

Everyone was pleased with the annual report – thank you, Harry

Shoreland / Wetland permit activity

Review of NH DES Permits on file: https://www4.des.state.nh.us/lrmonestop/LRMQuery.aspx  – This is an interactive file; we just need to plug in Cheshire Co and Harrisville, and we can review any permits. We reviewed the Chabot application and determined that it was a small project and did not require us to weigh in

Frazier’s garden– question about floodplain / wetland placement – Given the technical proximity of the wetlands which is across the creek, it seems like it’s not a problem

Project Schedules, Tasks & Leadership Assignments for 2021

Sesquicentennial Celebrationat Old Home Days – New date, 3rdweekend of July, 2022; fireworks; nothing planned at this time for 2021

Salamander Brigade–  Online training: Zoom training for the evening of  Thursday, March 18. Full details — including a link to register — here: https://harriscenter.org/events/salamander-crossing-brigade-workshop; Brett is also hoping for YouTube videos by spring. Andrea Polizos will write an article for the April Common Threads

Earth Day Roadside Cleanup– We are set for Sat. 4/24 (Earth Day is 4/22) –We’ll have a calendar at the transfer station for sign ups; plan on an article in the Common Threads

Recycling Center– problem with contamination of our recyclables; there is a threat that they may not accept them if it is too contaminated; we need to educate the public to maximize the chance that the recyclables will be accepted; Solutions? Possible ambassadors at the transfer station to help educate?

Rain Garden signage/ Homeowner landscape & water retention education – on hold for now, Diana Shonk will make a drawing to identify the plants

Trails– Coming along beautifully! The group has now got some more accurate distances, descriptions are coming, and they’re working on a difficulty scale. It next goes to Henry Underwood at SW Region Planning Comm. The Trails committee is hopeful that the map will be in the April Common Threads

Weed watcher for town’s ponds and lakes – Discussion around hiring someone beginning in April to go around our ponds and search for invasives; Who can finance this with us? Possibly NH Lakes? How will we work out the logistics?

Electric Aggregation Committee– last one tomorrow night, Thursday, February 4, 2021 at 7:00 pm.; check the town website if anyone still has questions; the website is quite robust.  Beware HB 315 – if this bill passes, it has the ability to gut this entire project

NH DES Mapping on Google Earth – exploring available tools -Harry Wolhandler shared how some of these tools work

Upcoming Dates
Town meeting elections and ballot – March 9that HWMS

Town Deliberative meeting; Saturday, May 22, ~ 9am, probably outside under a tent

Select Board – 2ndBudget Hearing on 2021 Town Budget – Thurs, 2/18, at 7:00pm

Reports on actions of other town committees

Select Board– pretty small warrant; Buddy Driscoll is retiring at the end of March after 26 years, search is underway for a replacement

Planning Board– reviewed voting sheets for ordinances; will display the wetland buffer graphic to help people understand better

Historic District Commission – working on inventory and regulations; a lot of good progress in bringing the HDC into the 21st century, few applicants

Historic Harrisville– struggling with the store, 50thanniversary – they’ll do a public presentation in July at St. Denis