Meeting Minutes of the Select Board
Location: | Town offices | Date: January 26, 2021 | ||
Opened: | 8:00 am | Adjourned: 10:45 am | ||
Select Board Members: Jay Jacobs, Kathy Scott, Andrea Hodson _____
Attendees: Matt Peard, Monadnock Disposal Service; Gus Lerandeau, All States Construction, Jeff Cady, Pamela Worden, Charles Faucher
Recycle Center– The SB met with Mr. Peard of Monadnock Disposal regarding disposal costs for 2021. Revised estimates will be added into the budget for presentation at next Thursday’s Budget Hearing.
Highway Department– The board met with Mr. Lerandau of All States Construction regarding estimates for road projects, including Mason Road, sections around the canal in the village, and chip sealing for Hancock Road . The board also will issue an RFP for roadwork projects for 2021, with bids to be due by February 11. Any contracts are subject to voter approval at Town Meeting. The SB and Road Agent will work with Transportation Committee on road width as project time nears.
Warrant articles/budget continued
The board continued to draft proposed warrant articles and continued to finalize the budget. The first Budget Hearing is Thursday, January 28, at 7:30 pm at town offices and via zoom.
Skatutakee Road Property Owners / warrant article regarding Right of Way along parcel
Ms. Worden and Mr. Faucher continued discussion with the board, confirming they will submit a petitioned Warrant Article regarding a portion of the Right of Way along their Skatutakee Road property. The deadline for petitioned articles is Tuesday, February 2. {please see SB Minutes of January 28, continued to January 29 correcting this paragraph}
Surety bond on Jaquith Road gravel pit
The board moved and voted unanimously in favor to release the Surety Bond on the former O’Neil gravel pit, now owned by the town, as requested by Clark-Mortenson Insurance.