Meeting Minutes of the Select Board

Location:   Town offices Date: December 18, 2020  
Opened:    9:10 am Adjourned: 1:10 pm  

Select Board Members: Jay Jacobs, Kathy Scott, Andrea Hodson _____________________________

Non-public session – The SB moved and voted unanimously in favor to enter non-public session, per RSA 91-A:3II to discuss a taxpayer matter with a resident. The board worked with the resident and tax collector to resolve the issue.

Buildings update from Jeff Cady
Recycle Center – Mr. Cady reported that the water system has been revamped to increase heat efficiency in the main building. The board will ask the RC Coordinator not to turn on the heat unless needed. The heater in the office is working. Another outlet is needed in the bathroom.

Old Highway Garage – Swanzey Oil replaced the malfunctioning blower motor on the furnace. The board discussed with Mr. Cady options to isolate heat in that building to save on expenses. Separately, Mr. Cady will get an estimate to sample and dispose of waste oil currently stored in drums.

Town offices and Police Department – The duct cleaning was completed and successful.

EMD update from Jeff Cady
Mr. Cady shared information about vaccine distribution, including the online registration and scheduling process. EMD will work with the Fire Chief to manage. There will be no charge to individual EMS personnel or to the town. As for timing, the first vaccine doses are expected to be given to the Fire Department personnel the week after Christmas. The board and Mr. Cady further discussed the importance of self-protection of first responders on calls in the event they aren’t informed of the potential presence of Covid.

The SB agreed to reinstate the planned maintenance contract with Powers Generator for one major and one minor inspection annually on the three generators.

South Road Bridge
The board will discuss repairs to the bridge wingwall in upcoming work on the 2021 budget. They would like to get input from the Road Agent. SB will consider a Warrant Article for wingwall repair, as there may be an opportunity to dovetail repairs with the state’s work on Howe Reservoir Dam. In the meantime the board will obtain estimates for the project.

Gravel Pit
SB discussed the screening process for road material and the purchase by the Highway Department of a screener. This could reduce costs compared to outsourcing the work.

The board briefly discussed the idea of a culvert survey and will continue the conversation.

The SB reviewed the year to date budget for 2020. Andrea Hodson will ask the auditor to attend the next SB meeting, scheduled for December 29 at 9;00 am. The SB will ask the Road Agent to attend to discuss the highway budget and Monadnock Disposal to discuss that contract.

Town Clerk
Cathy Lovas requested approval to purchase a second fire proof filing cabinet to store old documents and important town records. Following discussion the SB moved and voted unanimously in favor for the Town Clerk to purchase a fire proof filing cabinet in the estimated amount of $3,000 and to obtain estimates for acid-free folders for important town documents.

Recycle Center
The RC will be closed on Friday, Christmas Day, and open on Saturday, December 26, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Document review
The SB signed the tax abatement for Corwin (Map 10 – Lot 45) and the Intent to Cut for Cucchi (Map 30 – Lot 32-11-1).

The SB signed the SB meeting minutes of 12-10-2020.

The SB signed the payroll warrant in the amount of $33,180.03 and the pay warrant in the amount of $131,421.21.

– The SB will next meet Tuesday, December 29, at 9:00 am.

– The budget hearing is tentatively set for Thursday, January 28, 2020 at 7:00 pm.