Meeting Minutes of the Select Board
Location: | Town offices | Date: November 24, 2020 | ||
Opened: | 9:10 am | Adjourned: 12:00 pm | ||
Select Board Members: Jay Jacobs, Kathy Scott, Andrea Hodson _________
Town property – Chick Colony asked the board about potential availability of town property for sale. The SB discussed how the property is currently used and noted that others also have expressed interest in purchasing or renting town property. Should the town decide to sell or rent, a public bidding process is necessary.
Tax Collector – The SB signed three abatements totaling $32.00.
Assessing – The SB signed the Equalization Ratio certificate for the DRA.
EMD – Jeff Cady is working with ServPro on an estimate to clean the air ducts in the town office building. Regarding the expense to upgrade the heating system at the Recycle Center, the town may have to encumber the amount in the 2021 budget cycle.
Governor’s mask mandate– The SB discussed whether or not to make the Governor’s mandate on mask wearing more stringent for town employees. The board determined it will request that employees continue to follow the guidelines they’ve been adhering to and to wear masks whenever they interface with the public.
Finance –
Regarding expenses related to Covid, the board explained that, regarding supply needs related to proposed budget for 2021, all Covid-related expenses will be kept together rather than within different department budgets.
Harry Wolhandler, Chair of the Conservation Commission, reviewed the expenses from the Rain Garden project, noting that the Conservation Commission will reimburse the Highway Department for materials. The HCC also proposes using remaining funds from their regular budget rather than from the Conservation Fund, to cover some of the project costs. The board noted that the Finance Coordinator will work with the HCC Chair to ensure the HCC budget accurately reflects this.
The board separately noted that proposed 2021 budgets are due from all Department Heads by December 17.
The SB signed the pay warrant in the amount of $272,941.38. The Board anticipates regular payments to the school to be revised downward in the last few months of the school’s fiscal year.
The SB signed its Meeting Minutes of 11-12-2020.
SWRPC – The board will take more time to study the SWRPC report on the ten year road maintenance plan.
DOT South Road Bridge – The board reviewed and signed the agreement with DOT to keep this bridge over the Minnewawa Brook in the DOT project queue for 2025.
Peterborough Hazard Mitigation Plan – The SB acknowledged receipt of notification of Peterborough’s upcoming review of their hazard mitigation plan and their invitation for affected towns to weigh in.
150th – The SB signed the updated Parade Permit application for the 150th celebration next summer.
Report of Stoney Beach Committee – The SB will review the report and recommendations submitted by the Association regarding the Silver Lake area.
EAC/Community Power – Andrea Hodson shared a draft Electric Aggregation Plan with colleagues, a draft of which also is forthcoming for the public, via the town website and town offices, in advance of the public hearing scheduled for Thursday, December 10, at 7:00 pm.
Police Department – The SB continued discussing options for Police Department staffing subsequent to the Police Chief’s retirement at the end of February. Board members will develop a position profile and reconvene on the matter next week.
Non-public session – At 11:50 am the SB, per RSA 91-A:3II, moved and voted unanimously in favor to enter non-public session to discuss a taxpayer request for deferral. Following discussion, the board requested that the tax collector draft a payout plan for their review. At 12:00 pm, the board moved and voted unanimously in favor to exit non-public session.
Select Board Meeting Schedule – The SB will meet on the following dates: Thursday, December 3, at 7:00 pm, Thursday, December 10, at 7:00 pm, Friday, December 18, at 9:00 am and Tuesday, December 29, at 9:00 am.