Meeting Minutes of the Select Board

 Location:  Town offices Date:  October 1, 2020  
 Opened:    7:00 pm Adjourned: 9:00 pm  

Select Board Members:  Jay Jacobs, Kathy Scott, Andrea Hodson _________

Members of the public: Sue Loyd, Dan Loyd, John Cucchi, Chick Colony, Don Scott

Skatutakee Road – Public Right-of-Way/Lake Access
The Loyds requested clarification from the SB as to their rights as property owners to access Lake Skatutakee from their recently purchased parcel on the south side of Skatutakee Road. They were told lake access came with the purchase but have since learned, and the board confirmed, that the public only has the right to pass and repass over the neighboring parcel. The Loyds were upset about treatment by neighbors and feel the seller of the property misled them and that they consequently face diminished property values because of misleading information.  Mr. Jacobs explained that the history of the parcel was long and complicated, and apologized that, as purchasers, they believed they had greater rights than the right-of-way allows.

John Cucchi requested to provide the board updated legal information as he has actively pursued legal action on this matter. He grew increasingly agitated when the board stated the  documents he presented, and the subject he raised, were a topic for another meeting. Mr. Cucchi approached the board and attendees, in an increasingly loud and angry tone, threatening legal action against them and warning that legal action was already under way. Mr. Jacobs several times asked him to leave and, when Mr. Cucchi wouldn’t, Mr. Jacobs escorted him out of the building.

Driveway permit application – 181 Main Street
Following review of the application to construct a driveway on the Skatutakee Road side of the parcel, and following consultation with the Road Agent regarding concerns related to location of the proposed driveway in the town owned right of way, Jay Jacobsmoved to deny the application for the driveway permit based on the fact that the proposed driveway would traverse town property. Andrea Hodson seconded. All voted in favor.

 Separately, the SB will discuss with the Assessor additional corrections to the tax maps.

The SB signed the September 30 pay warrant in the amount of $7,046.87.

Highway – The board reviewed price quote from Morton Salt for road salt with a decision required within 30 days. The board will request prices from Cargill prior to purchasing.

Library – The library septic tank may require a new cover but not pressing need. The board will get a specific estimate for cost and options to replace. Separately on the library, the trustees’ research on a new air filter includes a meeting with Keating Electric on Friday at 2:00 pm. The board will await outcome of this discussion.  

Town Clerk – The SB approved the salary adjustment for the deputy town clerk as previously agreed based on completion of training.

Primex/other – Andrea Hodson will get quotes on short and long term disability options from supplemental health and workers’ compensation providers.

Other business
Fireworks – Regarding information submitted by Noel Greiner and Christine Destrempes on fireworks pollution, the Conservation Commission will further research and discuss.

Halloween – David Belknap attended NHMA’s webinar on guidance for towns. The SB will provide recommendations for safe trick or treating.

Vaccine available for flu – The SB office will ask board and committee members and staff if interested in a flu shot clinic.

The SB approved the Meeting Minutes of 9-25-2020.