Meeting Minutes of the Select Board
Location: | Town offices | Date: August 20, 2020 | ||
Opened: | 7:00 pm | Adjourned: 9:05 pm | ||
Select Board Members: Jay Jacobs, Kathy Scott, Andrea Hodson _________
Attendees: State Senator Jay Kahn, Mary Day Mordecai, David Belknap, Jeff Cady, Mike Wilder
Transportation Committee update
Mary Day Mordecai requested SB signature of the Memorandum of Agreement between the DOT and the Town regarding speed radar signs. The SB will send to the DOT. The DOT will install a pedestrian sign in exchange for one of the existing ‘no parking’ signs on Mill Hill, and will remove three other ‘no parking’ signs. The DOT will reinstall in the future if deemed necessary. The SB unanimously agreed.
Legislative update from Senator Jay Kahn
The State Senator shared legislative activity in Concord since the suspension of the legislative session on March 13. The high priority bills with bipartisan support were identified; ultimately, 39 of these containing 166 pieces of legislation were signed into law, 12 of which were sponsored by the Senator. Among those that passed were the Omnibus Education Bill, including Medicaid to schools, a Telemedicine bill and a Broadband bill. A dental benefit written into Medicaid was vetoed but has a chance of reconsideration in the next session. The SB asked about the Red Flag bill that was vetoed, expressing its unanimous support of the gun control intervention step and its hope that the veto would be overridden. The Senator will share this feedback.
Permit requirements and current state guidelines for large gatherings
Jeff Cady and Mike Wilder reviewed the outdoor event guidelines and permit process the Code Enforcement Officer requires of event venues, which stem from state code issued in 2003. Requirements are different for enclosed tent events and open gatherings and have changed continually this year due to Covid 19. Permit holders are held to the required guidelines, and the event organizers are liable for violations. The Code Enforcement Officer reiterated that private local businesses concerned about visitors coming into town are allowed to take whatever steps they deem necessary in the operation of their business; otherwise, there is no mandatory law on face coverings. Regarding quarantine guidelines, New England states allow visitors from certain area states to enter without quarantining. Affidavits of self-quarantine are required for others and can be requested by town officials. If local officials receive complaints about unsafe behavior, they are allowed to escalate problems to the Attorney General’s office, which will investigate and enforce as appropriate. Local officials also can shut down events if permit requirements are being violated. Officials are encouraged that there have been no problems to date.
Department of Transportation / Traffic Safety
Jay Jacobs updated the SB that Rob Hyslop of the DOT will install directional signs to the Harrisville Pond boat ramp in order to prevent misdirected drivers from traveling down Island Street. As an additional measure, the Traffic Safety Committee, the SB and Cemetery Trustees have agreed on the posting of a ‘Cemetery Access Only’ sign in the Community Church parking lot.
Document review
Assessing – The SB signed the Timber Tax Yield for Corwin, Map 10-Lot 45.
Tax Collector – The SB signed Deed Waivers for four parcels.
Meeting Minutes – The SB signed the minutes of 8/6 and 8/14.
Fuel vendor quotes – The SB reviewed proposed fuel prices and will ask the Finance Coordinator for additional information from vendors, e.g., if there are any additional fees above per gallon price quotes. Separately the board will explore the potential for cost savings longer term through the purchase of a propane tank.
The SB will ask Garth Tichy to check the riser seal on the library septic tank.
Draft Noise Bylaw – The SB reviewed the Ordinance Review Committee’s draft bylaw. Andrea Hodson will take a couple of questions back to the ORC, including the idea of proposing a Fireworks Permit requirement.
Worden / Faucher – On the property owner’s request for additional clarification, the SB has no additional information on the matter at this time.
SB meeting schedule – The SB will not meet the week of August 24th. The next meeting is Thursday, September 3, at 7:00 pm.