Historic District Commission
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Members present: Doug Walker, Rex Baker, Kathy Scott, Anne Howe, Scott Oliver
Members absent: Noel Greiner
Members of the public: Erin Hammerstedt

Given the lack of internet connection and inability of members of the public to access the meeting via Zoom, HDC members discussed and agreed that the public hearing to consider two applications of Historic Harrisville’s, previously noticed in the newspaper and to abutters, could not be heard, but must be tabled until the board’s August meeting.

Members did, however, proceed with a workshop session, during which they heard supplemental detail offered by Erin Hammerstedt regarding the roof replacement on the Harrisville Children’s Center shed, and proposed plans for St. Denis Church.  Ms. Hammerstedt described that the roof repair to the white shed was of similar material but not an exact likeness, so she did not believe it qualifies for a waiver but merits full review by the HDC. HHI proposed a Landmark architectural shingle in “Georgetown Gray” as it offers the lowest profile and contrast and which they believe is most appropriate.

On the application for St. Denis Church, Ms. Hammerstedt noted this is the first phase of a rehabilitation effort, which will be a long-term project. The clapboard and trim have been replaced to protect the stained glass windows. In the initial work, it was discovered that the siding and nails were not particularly old and that the building in its original form may have been shingled, all or in part. It dates to approximately 1984.  As part of the application, HHI requests permission to remove the front stairs to enable scaffolding to be raised to repair the gable. Ms. Hammerstedt also mentioned potential longer term plans for additional improvements.

In other business, the HDC moved and voted in favor to approve their meeting minutes of June, with the clarification from Anne Howe and Erin Hammerstedt that the “certificate” referred to by Ms. Hammerstedt about the Baker application, heard by the HDC in June is, in fact, a letter from HHI denoting review and approval by HHI trustees.

The HDC will invite Mike Wilder to attend an upcoming meeting to discuss collaboration on the application process and project completion. One idea raised was to amend the application form and certificate of approval to require applicants to furnish photos of their completed work.

Members also reviewed the draft Rules of Procedure, as amended by Anne Howe. The HDC hopes to adopt these at the August meeting.

The HDC announced that it will move its regularly scheduled meetings to the 4thTuesday of the month from the 4thWednesday. All voted in favor. The meeting adjourned at 9:18 pm.