Historic District Commission
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Meeting Minutes

The Historic District Commission held its regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, May 27, 2020 at 7:00 pm at town offices, 705 Chesham Road, and via zoom.

Members present: Kathy Scott. Members present via zoom: Doug Walker, Anne Howe. Members absent: Noel Greiner, Scott Oliver
Member of the public
: Rex Baker, Don Scott

The meeting opened at 7:10 pm. Chairman Doug Walker noted that the voting members for evening were himself, Kathy Scott and Anne Howe

Members moved and voted unanimously in favor to approve the agenda.

Meeting Minutes of 2/26/2020
Members moved and voted unanimously in favor to approve the minutes of Feb 26, 2020.

New membership
Doug Walker informed the committee that he was pleased to have confirmation from Historic District resident Rex Baker of his interest in joining the board and has recommended Mr. Baker to the Select Board for appointment. The Select Board will review the recommendation at its next meeting.

Historic District Inventory Project
Mr. Walker shared sample photos recently taken for the property inventory project. Members discussed the goals of capturing important features and details of each structure; for example, the different brick sets, cornices and chimneys. Mr. Walker will continue with the photo taking, working with Don Scott. Mr. Baker raised the idea of using a drone to capture the important detail and aerial views of properties and parcels.

Regulations – Solar and Windows
With increasing interest by historic district property owners to replace windows and possibly install solar arrays, Mr. Walker raised the need for the HDC to amend or adopt its regulations accordingly. He has researched and shared with board members a sample of Keene’s historic district regulations. The group discussed what provisions might seem logical for Harrisville. Anne Howe suggested exploring ordinances of more comparably-sized communities. All members are asked to review the sample Mr. Walker distributed, as well as the recently adopted Article XXX of the Harrisville Zoning Ordinances, a new town ordinance regulating solar energy systems to assess for the HDCS’s current and future needs. Mr. Walker also will explore what local solar companies are offering in terms of design. The board will continue discussion at the June meeting. The group also expects to have updated HDC regulations ready for review.

Rules of Procedure
The chair noted that Charlie Sorenson had reviewed the HDCs draft Rules of Procedure and suggested they be sent to the NH Municipal Association for review. Following discussion, Kathy Scott moved that the HDC send its draft Rules of Procedure, dated May 27, 2020, to NHMA for review before the HDC votes on a decision to adopt. Anne Howe seconded. By a roll call vote, Anne Howe, Doug Walker and Kathy Scott all voted in favor.

New business
The Chair will review for completeness the recently submitted application for a pergola in the rear of the property at 3 School Street (Map 32 – Lot 14).

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm. The next HDC meeting is June 27th at 7:00 pm.