Meeting Minutes of the Select Board
Location: Town Offices
Date: May 7, 2020
Opened: 4:00 pm Adjourned: 7:00 pm

Select Board Members: Jay Jacobs, Kathy Scott, Andrea Hodson (A.Hodson via zoom)

Attendees at town offices: Andrew Maneval, Jeff Cady, Don Scott, Jeff Cady, David Belknap
Attendees via Zoom: Rodger Martin, Susan Weaver

Library – Regarding a plan to reopen, the Library Director informed the Select Board of the consensus among librarians around the state that the safe course of action is no patrons until at least July. The Harrisville public library will, however, resume curbside service after implementing certain safety measures with the help of Jeff Cady and communicating new protocols with staff and patrons.

Memorial Day Ceremony – Rodger Martin discussed options with the Select Board for remote ceremonies, including broadcasting via zoom and facebook. Mr. Martin will discuss with ceremony participants on viability and report back to the board. The board moved and voted in favor to support Mr. Martin’s plan.

Highway Department – Wes Tarr met with the board to discuss the upcoming roadwork schedule for spring and summer. The Road Agent anticipates grinding to begin on Brown Road and Mason Road the week of May 18. Gravel and drainage work will follow. Paving on these roads won’t occur until it’s also begun on Willard Hill Road. Mr. Tarr expects availability for work on the Conservation Commission’s Rain Garden project at the Harrisville Pond boat ramp by the end of June. Work on the Rail Trail rehabilitation is not likely until late summer/September. Another visit to assess trail is required. SB recommends the Road Agent discuss with the Trails Committee what would need to be done to rehabilitate the trail so they understand how it might look differently. Mr. Tarr also shared with the board an article about crack sealing as a potential step prior to chip sealing to prolong the life of material and previously done roadwork.

Broadband Committee – Mr. Maneval noted that negotiations are ongoing. The Board will await the revised proposal from CCI.

Emergency Management – Jeff Cady shared the Governor’s new guidelines for phased reopening, including employer responsibilities. He will check on availability of thermometers and, specifically, municipalities’ responsibilities for planning to re-open. He will distribute details so town departments can open accordingly. He further noted that the volunteer coordination effort is ongoing.

Separately, the board discussed with Mr. Cady the options for applying for applying for funding reimbursement for Covid-19 related expenses. Mr. Cady noted that certain expenses are eligible under FEMA and under CARES as they are different sources of funding. He will work with the Finance Coordinator in the Select Board Office to get March / April information submitted and will confirm with the state the specific qualification requirements for each funding source. The board will meet with department heads as plans for reopening become more solidified. Health Officer David Belknap and the board agreed that employees are capable of self-monitoring for potential symptoms. Mr. Belknap further explained his role regarding compliance protocol but not as an enforcement official. He added that guidelines for NH campgrounds as well as AirBnbs are under discussion, but he believes they will be allowed to open on a limited basis for NH residents only.

Gravel Pit Subcommittee – Kathy Scott summarized for the board the discussions at the first subcommittee meeting, noting that hours of operation, noise, dust and visual impact were the issues that came up plus communication to neighbors. She added that Lisa and Erik Anderson requested the town hire a sound engineer. Kathy Scott confirmed that the committee will address the realistic options to mitigate noise. Following discussion,the SB moved and voted unanimously in favor to ask Scott Neary to join the Gravel Pit Subcommittee. A site visit to the gravel pit is scheduled for 3:00 pm on Tuesday, May 19, immediately prior to the next subcommittee meeting.

ATV use on rail trail – The Police Chief will meet with the Head of NH Fish and Game to discuss if and how the state regulations relate to the town-owned portion of the trail and related jurisdiction. The board will further discuss proper signage.

SB signed the Meeting Minutes of 4-30.

SB signed the Pay Warrant in the amount of $4,693.28 and the Payroll Warrant in the amount of $31,135.51

SB signed the Engagement Letter for Vachon Clukay, the town’s Auditor. The letter outlines the details of the audit process.

SB signed the Elderly Deferral for Mary Desrosiers.

SB signed two veterans credits for Mr. Carroll and Mr. Sundstrom.

Powers Generator – – Jay Jacobs will call Scott Lazzaro to clarify payment for recent service.

Legal – SB was in agreement on settlement terms in the Andrea Walker case. Jay Jacobs will draft an impact statement, as requested, for submission to the judge.

The SB signed the Tax Warrant. First half 2020 property tax bills will be due July 3.

The SB signed the Oath Of Office for Jay Jacobs for the ZBA, and the Traffic Safety and Conservation Commissions.