Harrisville Planning Board
March 11, 2020
Meeting Minutes
The Harrisville Planning Board held a regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at the town offices, 705 Chesham Road.
Members present: Ryan Stone, Lisa Anderson, Noel Greiner, Don Scott Alternate, Kate Neary Alternate, Pete Thayer, Andrea Hodson Select Board Representative, Kathy Scott Select Board Alternate
Members absent: Courtney Cox, Jon Miner Alternate, Ned Hulbert
Members approved the agenda as prepared.
Voting Members
Ryan Stone noted that the voting members for the evening were himself, Lisa Anderson, Noel Greiner, Pete Thayer and Andrea Hodson.
Minutes of previous meeting 2/5/2020
Members voted to approve the minutes as written.
Town Information Distribution
Members discussed the protocol and lines of communication in place for town-wide emergencies and asked Select Board members present how boards and committees would be kept informed. It was noted that Jeff Cady, the Emergency Management Director, has an emergency operation plan in place and that the emergency operations structure includes Mr. Cady as the Incident Commander, working in close conjunction with the Police and Fire Chiefs, the Health Officer, the Select Board and the school. Members discussed how best to reach community residents who may not have access to a phone or computer or family nearby to check on them, including the idea of using lake association networks and going door to door. All thought it a good idea to invite Mr. Cady and David Belknap, the Health Officer, to an upcoming meeting to discuss.
Town Meeting Update
The Co-Chairs reviewed the results of the zoning amendments on the Town Meeting ballot. All proposed amendments passed. These will be added by Mary Ann Noyer to the current edition so that the PB can reprint new copies of the Harrisville Zoning Ordinances dated 2020.
Members also reviewed the results of the town and school district elections.
Training session for new PB members
Co-Chairs will attempt to schedule orientation training for a Saturday morning, beginning at 8:30 or 9:00 am for 60-90 minutes. Pete Thayer or Courtney Cox also will attend the session on reviewing plats. March 28th at town offices was tentatively scheduled.
2020 Planning Board Priorities
For the coming year, the Co-Chairs noted that the Ordinance Review Committee would continue its work, aiming to address any inconsistencies in regulations addressing wireless communications facilities and the new solar energy provisions, and also to review the definitions section for further needed changes. Proposed setbacks for Wetlands also will be looked at once again as will the ADU ordinance.
On the idea of a noise ordinance, Kathy Scott noted that NH regulates at the local level, not the state level, and that the SB will discuss and get back to the PB and Ordinance Review Committee.
Timber cutting
Ryan Stone reviewed the discussion from the Conservation Commission meeting about clearing on Hancock Road, Route 137 and wondered if the ORC could explore options for local regulation for instituting boundary line buffers and for protection of wildlife habitats and impact on drainage. Noel Greiner explained the existing state regulations, including for wetlands, that apply to foresters, as well as the timber tax requirements. He suggested the board start with those.
Transportation Committee
Ned Hulbert noted that, in light of the upcoming roadwork planned for the summer, the Transportation Committee will stay in touch with the Select Board.
Community Power
Mr. Hulbert will present an update at the next meeting.
Master Plan Vision Statement
Returning to the goal of reevaluating the Vision Statement section of the Master Plan for possible updating, PB members will share the content with a few people each to get sample input on residents’ priorities and thoughts. Following synthesis and processing of this feedback, PB members will then address other sections of Master Pl